B |
bell [Sdl.Draw] |
blit_surface [Sdl.Video] |
blit_surface source_surface srcrect dest_surface dstrect
This performs a fast blit from the source surface to the destination surface.
bool_of_int [Glcaml] |
bool_to_int_array [Glcaml] |
box [Sdl.Draw] |
bspline [Sdl.Draw] |
C |
close_audio [Sdl.Audio] |
close_audio closes the audio device
convert_audio [Sdl.Audio] |
convert_audio from_format from_channels from_frequency to_format to_channels to_frequency input_buffer -> output_buffer
Converts an audio sample in input_buffer of sample type from_format , number of channels from_channels , and sample frequency from_frequency
to sample type to_format , number of channels to_channels , and sample frequency to_frequency
The converted samples are returned in output_buffer
copy_byte_array [Glcaml] |
copy_double_array [Glcaml] |
copy_dword_array [Glcaml] |
copy_float_array [Glcaml] |
copy_short_array [Glcaml] |
copy_to_bool_array [Glcaml] |
copy_ubyte_array [Glcaml] |
copy_ushort_array [Glcaml] |
copy_word_array [Glcaml] |
create_rgb_surface [Sdl.Video] |
create_rgb_surface video_flag_list width height bitsperpixel -> surface
Allocate an empty surface (must be called after set_video_mode )
If bitsPerPixel is 8 an empty palette is allocated for the surface, otherwise a 'packed-pixel' pixel format is created using internal RGBA masks based on standard 15,16,24 and 32 bitperpixel formats, and taking platform endianness into account.
D |
default_repeat_delay [Sdl.Event] |
Default keyboard repeat delay
default_repeat_interval [Sdl.Event] |
Default keyboard repeat interval
delay [Sdl.Timer] |
delay milliseconds
Wait a specified number of milliseconds before returning.
disable_clipping [Sdl.Video] |
disable_clipping surface
Disables clipping to the clipping rectangle set for a surface
display_format [Sdl.Video] |
display_format src_surface -> dest_surface
This function takes a surface and copies it to a new surface of the pixel format and colors of the video framebuffer, suitable for fast blitting onto the display surface.
E |
enable_key_repeat [Sdl.Event] |
enable_key_repeat repeat_delay repeat_interval
Enables or disables the keyboard repeat rate.
enable_unicode [Sdl.Event] |
enable_unicode query/disable/enable -> on/off
Enables/Disables Unicode keyboard translation.
F |
fill_rect [Sdl.Video] |
fill_rect surface dstrect pixel
This function performs a fast fill of the given rectangle with color.
fill_surface [Sdl.Video] |
fill_surface surface pixel
Fills the surface with pixels of the given color
flip [Sdl.Video] |
flip surface
On hardware that supports double-buffering, this function sets up a flip and returns.
free_surface [Sdl.Video] |
Free a surface.
free_wav [Sdl.Audio] |
free_wav wav_buffer
Frees a WAV buffer allocated by load-wav
fx_pan [Sdl.Audio] |
fx_pan pan volume input_buffer -> output_buffer
This is an auxiliary, non core SDL mixing function.
fx_shift [Sdl.Audio] |
fx_shift : frequency_shift input_buffer -> output_buffer
This is an auxiliary, non core SDL mixing function.
G |
get_app_state [Sdl.Event] |
get_app_state -> app_state list
This function returns the current state of the application.
get_attribute [Sdl.SDLGL] |
get_attribute attr -> value
Returns the value of the SDL/OpenGL attribute attr in value.
get_audio_status [Sdl.Audio] |
get_audio_status -> audio_status
Returns either STOPPED , PAUSED or PLAYING depending on the current audio status
get_caption [Sdl.Window] |
get_caption -> window_caption * taskbar_caption
Gets the title-bar and icon name of the display window.
get_error [Sdl] |
Gets a string containing a description of the most recent SDL error
get_grab_input [Sdl.Window] |
Returns true if the input has been grabbed by the application, else false
get_key_name [Sdl.Event] |
get_key_name key keyname
Returns the SDL-defined name of the key in key
get_mod_state [Sdl.Event] |
get_mod_state -> key_mod list
Returns a list of the current state of the modifier keys (CTRL, ALT, etc.).
get_pixel [Sdl.Draw] |
get_pixel surface x y -> pixel
gets an int32 rgb(a) pixel, from surface surface at location (x,y)
get_rgb [Sdl.Video] |
get_rgb surface -> pixel -> red * green * blue
Get RGB component values from a pixel stored in the specified pixel format.
get_rgba [Sdl.Video] |
get_rgba surface -> pixel -> red * green * blue * alpha
Get RGBA component values from a pixel stored in the specified pixel format.
get_ticks [Sdl.Timer] |
get_ticks -> milliseconds
Returns the number of milliseconds since SDL library initialization.
glAccum [Glcaml] |
glActiveStencilFaceEXT [Glcaml] |
glActiveTexture [Glcaml] |
glActiveTextureARB [Glcaml] |
glActiveVaryingNV [Glcaml] |
glAddSwapHintRectWIN [Glcaml] |
glAlphaFragmentOp1ATI [Glcaml] |
glAlphaFragmentOp2ATI [Glcaml] |
glAlphaFragmentOp3ATI [Glcaml] |
glAlphaFunc [Glcaml] |
glApplyTextureEXT [Glcaml] |
glAreProgramsResidentNV [Glcaml] |
glAreTexturesResident [Glcaml] |
glAreTexturesResidentEXT [Glcaml] |
glArrayElement [Glcaml] |
glArrayElementEXT [Glcaml] |
glArrayObjectATI [Glcaml] |
glAsyncMarkerSGIX [Glcaml] |
glAttachObjectARB [Glcaml] |
glAttachShader [Glcaml] |
glBegin [Glcaml] |
glBeginFragmentShaderATI [Glcaml] |
glBeginOcclusionQueryNV [Glcaml] |
glBeginQuery [Glcaml] |
glBeginQueryARB [Glcaml] |
glBeginSceneEXT [Glcaml] |
glBeginTransformFeedbackNV [Glcaml] |
glBeginVertexShaderEXT [Glcaml] |
glBindAttribLocation [Glcaml] |
glBindAttribLocationARB [Glcaml] |
glBindBuffer [Glcaml] |
glBindBufferARB [Glcaml] |
glBindBufferBaseNV [Glcaml] |
glBindBufferOffsetNV [Glcaml] |
glBindBufferRangeNV [Glcaml] |
glBindFragDataLocationEXT [Glcaml] |
glBindFragmentShaderATI [Glcaml] |
glBindFramebufferEXT [Glcaml] |
glBindLightParameterEXT [Glcaml] |
glBindMaterialParameterEXT [Glcaml] |
glBindParameterEXT [Glcaml] |
glBindProgramARB [Glcaml] |
glBindProgramNV [Glcaml] |
glBindRenderbufferEXT [Glcaml] |
glBindTexGenParameterEXT [Glcaml] |
glBindTexture [Glcaml] |
glBindTextureEXT [Glcaml] |
glBindTextureUnitParameterEXT [Glcaml] |
glBindVertexArrayAPPLE [Glcaml] |
glBindVertexShaderEXT [Glcaml] |
glBinormalPointerEXT [Glcaml] |
glBitmap [Glcaml] |
glBlendColor [Glcaml] |
glBlendColorEXT [Glcaml] |
glBlendEquation [Glcaml] |
glBlendEquationEXT [Glcaml] |
glBlendEquationSeparate [Glcaml] |
glBlendEquationSeparateEXT [Glcaml] |
glBlendFunc [Glcaml] |
glBlendFuncSeparate [Glcaml] |
glBlendFuncSeparateEXT [Glcaml] |
glBlitFramebufferEXT [Glcaml] |
glBufferData [Glcaml] |
glBufferDataARB [Glcaml] |
glBufferRegionEnabledEXT [Glcaml] |
glBufferSubData [Glcaml] |
glBufferSubDataARB [Glcaml] |
glCallList [Glcaml] |
glCallLists [Glcaml] |
glCheckFramebufferStatusEXT [Glcaml] |
glClampColorARB [Glcaml] |
glClear [Glcaml] |
glClearAccum [Glcaml] |
glClearColor [Glcaml] |
glClearColorIiEXT [Glcaml] |
glClearColorIuiEXT [Glcaml] |
glClearDepth [Glcaml] |
glClearDepthdNV [Glcaml] |
glClearDepthfOES [Glcaml] |
glClearIndex [Glcaml] |
glClearStencil [Glcaml] |
glClientActiveTexture [Glcaml] |
glClientActiveTextureARB [Glcaml] |
glClientActiveVertexStreamATI [Glcaml] |
glClipPlane [Glcaml] |
glClipPlanefOES [Glcaml] |
glColor3b [Glcaml] |
glColor3bv [Glcaml] |
glColor3d [Glcaml] |
glColor3dv [Glcaml] |
glColor3f [Glcaml] |
glColor3fVertex3fSUN [Glcaml] |
glColor3fVertex3fvSUN [Glcaml] |
glColor3fv [Glcaml] |
glColor3hNV [Glcaml] |
glColor3hvNV [Glcaml] |
glColor3i [Glcaml] |
glColor3iv [Glcaml] |
glColor3s [Glcaml] |
glColor3sv [Glcaml] |
glColor3ub [Glcaml] |
glColor3ubv [Glcaml] |
glColor3ui [Glcaml] |
glColor3uiv [Glcaml] |
glColor3us [Glcaml] |
glColor3usv [Glcaml] |
glColor4b [Glcaml] |
glColor4bv [Glcaml] |
glColor4d [Glcaml] |
glColor4dv [Glcaml] |
glColor4f [Glcaml] |
glColor4fNormal3fVertex3fSUN [Glcaml] |
glColor4fNormal3fVertex3fvSUN [Glcaml] |
glColor4fv [Glcaml] |
glColor4hNV [Glcaml] |
glColor4hvNV [Glcaml] |
glColor4i [Glcaml] |
glColor4iv [Glcaml] |
glColor4s [Glcaml] |
glColor4sv [Glcaml] |
glColor4ub [Glcaml] |
glColor4ubVertex2fSUN [Glcaml] |
glColor4ubVertex2fvSUN [Glcaml] |
glColor4ubVertex3fSUN [Glcaml] |
glColor4ubVertex3fvSUN [Glcaml] |
glColor4ubv [Glcaml] |
glColor4ui [Glcaml] |
glColor4uiv [Glcaml] |
glColor4us [Glcaml] |
glColor4usv [Glcaml] |
glColorFragmentOp1ATI [Glcaml] |
glColorFragmentOp2ATI [Glcaml] |
glColorFragmentOp3ATI [Glcaml] |
glColorMask [Glcaml] |
glColorMaskIndexedEXT [Glcaml] |
glColorMaterial [Glcaml] |
glColorPointer [Glcaml] |
glColorPointerEXT [Glcaml] |
glColorPointerListIBM [Glcaml] |
glColorPointervINTEL [Glcaml] |
glColorSubTable [Glcaml] |
glColorSubTableEXT [Glcaml] |
glColorTable [Glcaml] |
glColorTableEXT [Glcaml] |
glColorTableParameterfv [Glcaml] |
glColorTableParameterfvSGI [Glcaml] |
glColorTableParameteriv [Glcaml] |
glColorTableParameterivSGI [Glcaml] |
glColorTableSGI [Glcaml] |
glCombinerInputNV [Glcaml] |
glCombinerOutputNV [Glcaml] |
glCombinerParameterfNV [Glcaml] |
glCombinerParameterfvNV [Glcaml] |
glCombinerParameteriNV [Glcaml] |
glCombinerParameterivNV [Glcaml] |
glCombinerStageParameterfvNV [Glcaml] |
glCompileShader [Glcaml] |
glCompileShaderARB [Glcaml] |
glCompressedTexImage1D [Glcaml] |
glCompressedTexImage1DARB [Glcaml] |
glCompressedTexImage2D [Glcaml] |
glCompressedTexImage2DARB [Glcaml] |
glCompressedTexImage3D [Glcaml] |
glCompressedTexImage3DARB [Glcaml] |
glCompressedTexSubImage1D [Glcaml] |
glCompressedTexSubImage1DARB [Glcaml] |
glCompressedTexSubImage2D [Glcaml] |
glCompressedTexSubImage2DARB [Glcaml] |
glCompressedTexSubImage3D [Glcaml] |
glCompressedTexSubImage3DARB [Glcaml] |
glConvolutionFilter1D [Glcaml] |
glConvolutionFilter1DEXT [Glcaml] |
glConvolutionFilter2D [Glcaml] |
glConvolutionFilter2DEXT [Glcaml] |
glConvolutionParameterf [Glcaml] |
glConvolutionParameterfEXT [Glcaml] |
glConvolutionParameterfv [Glcaml] |
glConvolutionParameterfvEXT [Glcaml] |
glConvolutionParameteri [Glcaml] |
glConvolutionParameteriEXT [Glcaml] |
glConvolutionParameteriv [Glcaml] |
glConvolutionParameterivEXT [Glcaml] |
glCopyColorSubTable [Glcaml] |
glCopyColorSubTableEXT [Glcaml] |
glCopyColorTable [Glcaml] |
glCopyColorTableSGI [Glcaml] |
glCopyConvolutionFilter1D [Glcaml] |
glCopyConvolutionFilter1DEXT [Glcaml] |
glCopyConvolutionFilter2D [Glcaml] |
glCopyConvolutionFilter2DEXT [Glcaml] |
glCopyPixels [Glcaml] |
glCopyTexImage1D [Glcaml] |
glCopyTexImage1DEXT [Glcaml] |
glCopyTexImage2D [Glcaml] |
glCopyTexImage2DEXT [Glcaml] |
glCopyTexSubImage1D [Glcaml] |
glCopyTexSubImage1DEXT [Glcaml] |
glCopyTexSubImage2D [Glcaml] |
glCopyTexSubImage2DEXT [Glcaml] |
glCopyTexSubImage3D [Glcaml] |
glCopyTexSubImage3DEXT [Glcaml] |
glCreateProgram [Glcaml] |
glCreateProgramObjectARB [Glcaml] |
glCreateShader [Glcaml] |
glCreateShaderObjectARB [Glcaml] |
glCullFace [Glcaml] |
glCullParameterdvEXT [Glcaml] |
glCullParameterfvEXT [Glcaml] |
glCurrentPaletteMatrixARB [Glcaml] |
glDeleteAsyncMarkersSGIX [Glcaml] |
glDeleteBufferRegionEXT [Glcaml] |
glDeleteBuffers [Glcaml] |
glDeleteBuffersARB [Glcaml] |
glDeleteFencesAPPLE [Glcaml] |
glDeleteFencesNV [Glcaml] |
glDeleteFragmentShaderATI [Glcaml] |
glDeleteFramebuffersEXT [Glcaml] |
glDeleteLists [Glcaml] |
glDeleteObjectARB [Glcaml] |
glDeleteOcclusionQueriesNV [Glcaml] |
glDeleteProgram [Glcaml] |
glDeleteProgramsARB [Glcaml] |
glDeleteProgramsNV [Glcaml] |
glDeleteQueries [Glcaml] |
glDeleteQueriesARB [Glcaml] |
glDeleteRenderbuffersEXT [Glcaml] |
glDeleteShader [Glcaml] |
glDeleteTextures [Glcaml] |
glDeleteTexturesEXT [Glcaml] |
glDeleteVertexArraysAPPLE [Glcaml] |
glDeleteVertexShaderEXT [Glcaml] |
glDepthBoundsEXT [Glcaml] |
glDepthBoundsdNV [Glcaml] |
glDepthFunc [Glcaml] |
glDepthMask [Glcaml] |
glDepthRange [Glcaml] |
glDepthRangedNV [Glcaml] |
glDepthRangefOES [Glcaml] |
glDetachObjectARB [Glcaml] |
glDetachShader [Glcaml] |
glDetailTexFuncSGIS [Glcaml] |
glDisable [Glcaml] |
glDisableClientState [Glcaml] |
glDisableIndexedEXT [Glcaml] |
glDisableVariantClientStateEXT [Glcaml] |
glDisableVertexAttribArray [Glcaml] |
glDisableVertexAttribArrayARB [Glcaml] |
glDrawArrays [Glcaml] |
glDrawArraysEXT [Glcaml] |
glDrawArraysInstancedEXT [Glcaml] |
glDrawBuffer [Glcaml] |
glDrawBufferRegionEXT [Glcaml] |
glDrawBuffers [Glcaml] |
glDrawBuffersARB [Glcaml] |
glDrawBuffersATI [Glcaml] |
glDrawElementArrayAPPLE [Glcaml] |
glDrawElementArrayATI [Glcaml] |
glDrawElements [Glcaml] |
glDrawElementsInstancedEXT [Glcaml] |
glDrawPixels [Glcaml] |
glDrawRangeElementArrayAPPLE [Glcaml] |
glDrawRangeElementArrayATI [Glcaml] |
glDrawRangeElements [Glcaml] |
glDrawRangeElementsEXT [Glcaml] |
glEdgeFlag [Glcaml] |
glEdgeFlagPointer [Glcaml] |
glEdgeFlagPointerEXT [Glcaml] |
glEdgeFlagPointerListIBM [Glcaml] |
glEdgeFlagv [Glcaml] |
glElementPointerAPPLE [Glcaml] |
glElementPointerATI [Glcaml] |
glEnable [Glcaml] |
glEnableClientState [Glcaml] |
glEnableIndexedEXT [Glcaml] |
glEnableVariantClientStateEXT [Glcaml] |
glEnableVertexAttribArray [Glcaml] |
glEnableVertexAttribArrayARB [Glcaml] |
glEnd [Glcaml] |
glEndFragmentShaderATI [Glcaml] |
glEndList [Glcaml] |
glEndOcclusionQueryNV [Glcaml] |
glEndQuery [Glcaml] |
glEndQueryARB [Glcaml] |
glEndSceneEXT [Glcaml] |
glEndTransformFeedbackNV [Glcaml] |
glEndVertexShaderEXT [Glcaml] |
glEvalCoord1d [Glcaml] |
glEvalCoord1dv [Glcaml] |
glEvalCoord1f [Glcaml] |
glEvalCoord1fv [Glcaml] |
glEvalCoord2d [Glcaml] |
glEvalCoord2dv [Glcaml] |
glEvalCoord2f [Glcaml] |
glEvalCoord2fv [Glcaml] |
glEvalMapsNV [Glcaml] |
glEvalMesh1 [Glcaml] |
glEvalMesh2 [Glcaml] |
glEvalPoint1 [Glcaml] |
glEvalPoint2 [Glcaml] |
glExecuteProgramNV [Glcaml] |
glExtractComponentEXT [Glcaml] |
glFeedbackBuffer [Glcaml] |
glFinalCombinerInputNV [Glcaml] |
glFinish [Glcaml] |
glFinishAsyncSGIX [Glcaml] |
glFinishFenceAPPLE [Glcaml] |
glFinishFenceNV [Glcaml] |
glFinishObjectAPPLE [Glcaml] |
glFinishTextureSUNX [Glcaml] |
glFlush [Glcaml] |
glFlushPixelDataRangeNV [Glcaml] |
glFlushRasterSGIX [Glcaml] |
glFlushVertexArrayRangeAPPLE [Glcaml] |
glFlushVertexArrayRangeNV [Glcaml] |
glFogCoordPointer [Glcaml] |
glFogCoordPointerEXT [Glcaml] |
glFogCoordPointerListIBM [Glcaml] |
glFogCoordd [Glcaml] |
glFogCoorddEXT [Glcaml] |
glFogCoorddv [Glcaml] |
glFogCoorddvEXT [Glcaml] |
glFogCoordf [Glcaml] |
glFogCoordfEXT [Glcaml] |
glFogCoordfv [Glcaml] |
glFogCoordfvEXT [Glcaml] |
glFogCoordhNV [Glcaml] |
glFogCoordhvNV [Glcaml] |
glFogFuncSGIS [Glcaml] |
glFogf [Glcaml] |
glFogfv [Glcaml] |
glFogi [Glcaml] |
glFogiv [Glcaml] |
glFragmentColorMaterialEXT [Glcaml] |
glFragmentColorMaterialSGIX [Glcaml] |
glFragmentLightModelfEXT [Glcaml] |
glFragmentLightModelfSGIX [Glcaml] |
glFragmentLightModelfvEXT [Glcaml] |
glFragmentLightModelfvSGIX [Glcaml] |
glFragmentLightModeliEXT [Glcaml] |
glFragmentLightModeliSGIX [Glcaml] |
glFragmentLightModelivEXT [Glcaml] |
glFragmentLightModelivSGIX [Glcaml] |
glFragmentLightfEXT [Glcaml] |
glFragmentLightfSGIX [Glcaml] |
glFragmentLightfvEXT [Glcaml] |
glFragmentLightfvSGIX [Glcaml] |
glFragmentLightiEXT [Glcaml] |
glFragmentLightiSGIX [Glcaml] |
glFragmentLightivEXT [Glcaml] |
glFragmentLightivSGIX [Glcaml] |
glFragmentMaterialfEXT [Glcaml] |
glFragmentMaterialfSGIX [Glcaml] |
glFragmentMaterialfvEXT [Glcaml] |
glFragmentMaterialfvSGIX [Glcaml] |
glFragmentMaterialiEXT [Glcaml] |
glFragmentMaterialiSGIX [Glcaml] |
glFragmentMaterialivEXT [Glcaml] |
glFragmentMaterialivSGIX [Glcaml] |
glFrameZoomSGIX [Glcaml] |
glFramebufferRenderbufferEXT [Glcaml] |
glFramebufferTexture1DEXT [Glcaml] |
glFramebufferTexture2DEXT [Glcaml] |
glFramebufferTexture3DEXT [Glcaml] |
glFramebufferTextureEXT [Glcaml] |
glFramebufferTextureFaceEXT [Glcaml] |
glFramebufferTextureLayerEXT [Glcaml] |
glFreeObjectBufferATI [Glcaml] |
glFrontFace [Glcaml] |
glFrustum [Glcaml] |
glFrustumfOES [Glcaml] |
glGenAsyncMarkersSGIX [Glcaml] |
glGenBuffers [Glcaml] |
glGenBuffersARB [Glcaml] |
glGenFencesAPPLE [Glcaml] |
glGenFencesNV [Glcaml] |
glGenFragmentShadersATI [Glcaml] |
glGenFramebuffersEXT [Glcaml] |
glGenLists [Glcaml] |
glGenOcclusionQueriesNV [Glcaml] |
glGenProgramsARB [Glcaml] |
glGenProgramsNV [Glcaml] |
glGenQueries [Glcaml] |
glGenQueriesARB [Glcaml] |
glGenRenderbuffersEXT [Glcaml] |
glGenSymbolsEXT [Glcaml] |
glGenTextures [Glcaml] |
glGenTexturesEXT [Glcaml] |
glGenVertexArraysAPPLE [Glcaml] |
glGenVertexShadersEXT [Glcaml] |
glGenerateMipmapEXT [Glcaml] |
glGetActiveAttrib [Glcaml] |
glGetActiveAttribARB [Glcaml] |
glGetActiveUniform [Glcaml] |
glGetActiveUniformARB [Glcaml] |
glGetActiveVaryingNV [Glcaml] |
glGetArrayObjectfvATI [Glcaml] |
glGetArrayObjectivATI [Glcaml] |
glGetAttachedObjectsARB [Glcaml] |
glGetAttachedShaders [Glcaml] |
glGetAttribLocation [Glcaml] |
glGetAttribLocationARB [Glcaml] |
glGetBooleanIndexedvEXT [Glcaml] |
glGetBooleanv [Glcaml] |
glGetBufferParameteriv [Glcaml] |
glGetBufferParameterivARB [Glcaml] |
glGetBufferPointerv [Glcaml] |
glGetBufferPointervARB [Glcaml] |
glGetBufferSubData [Glcaml] |
glGetBufferSubDataARB [Glcaml] |
glGetClipPlane [Glcaml] |
glGetClipPlanefOES [Glcaml] |
glGetColorTable [Glcaml] |
glGetColorTableEXT [Glcaml] |
glGetColorTableParameterfv [Glcaml] |
glGetColorTableParameterfvEXT [Glcaml] |
glGetColorTableParameterfvSGI [Glcaml] |
glGetColorTableParameteriv [Glcaml] |
glGetColorTableParameterivEXT [Glcaml] |
glGetColorTableParameterivSGI [Glcaml] |
glGetColorTableSGI [Glcaml] |
glGetCombinerInputParameterfvNV [Glcaml] |
glGetCombinerInputParameterivNV [Glcaml] |
glGetCombinerOutputParameterfvNV [Glcaml] |
glGetCombinerOutputParameterivNV [Glcaml] |
glGetCombinerStageParameterfvNV [Glcaml] |
glGetCompressedTexImage [Glcaml] |
glGetCompressedTexImageARB [Glcaml] |
glGetConvolutionFilter [Glcaml] |
glGetConvolutionFilterEXT [Glcaml] |
glGetConvolutionParameterfv [Glcaml] |
glGetConvolutionParameterfvEXT [Glcaml] |
glGetConvolutionParameteriv [Glcaml] |
glGetConvolutionParameterivEXT [Glcaml] |
glGetDetailTexFuncSGIS [Glcaml] |
glGetDoublev [Glcaml] |
glGetError [Glcaml] |
glGetFenceivNV [Glcaml] |
glGetFinalCombinerInputParameterfvNV [Glcaml] |
glGetFinalCombinerInputParameterivNV [Glcaml] |
glGetFloatv [Glcaml] |
glGetFogFuncSGIS [Glcaml] |
glGetFragDataLocationEXT [Glcaml] |
glGetFragmentLightfvEXT [Glcaml] |
glGetFragmentLightfvSGIX [Glcaml] |
glGetFragmentLightivEXT [Glcaml] |
glGetFragmentLightivSGIX [Glcaml] |
glGetFragmentMaterialfvEXT [Glcaml] |
glGetFragmentMaterialfvSGIX [Glcaml] |
glGetFragmentMaterialivEXT [Glcaml] |
glGetFragmentMaterialivSGIX [Glcaml] |
glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXT [Glcaml] |
glGetHandleARB [Glcaml] |
glGetHistogram [Glcaml] |
glGetHistogramEXT [Glcaml] |
glGetHistogramParameterfv [Glcaml] |
glGetHistogramParameterfvEXT [Glcaml] |
glGetHistogramParameteriv [Glcaml] |
glGetHistogramParameterivEXT [Glcaml] |
glGetImageTransformParameterfvHP [Glcaml] |
glGetImageTransformParameterivHP [Glcaml] |
glGetInfoLogARB [Glcaml] |
glGetIntegerIndexedvEXT [Glcaml] |
glGetIntegerv [Glcaml] |
glGetInvariantBooleanvEXT [Glcaml] |
glGetInvariantFloatvEXT [Glcaml] |
glGetInvariantIntegervEXT [Glcaml] |
glGetLightfv [Glcaml] |
glGetLightiv [Glcaml] |
glGetLocalConstantBooleanvEXT [Glcaml] |
glGetLocalConstantFloatvEXT [Glcaml] |
glGetLocalConstantIntegervEXT [Glcaml] |
glGetMapAttribParameterfvNV [Glcaml] |
glGetMapAttribParameterivNV [Glcaml] |
glGetMapControlPointsNV [Glcaml] |
glGetMapParameterfvNV [Glcaml] |
glGetMapParameterivNV [Glcaml] |
glGetMapdv [Glcaml] |
glGetMapfv [Glcaml] |
glGetMapiv [Glcaml] |
glGetMaterialfv [Glcaml] |
glGetMaterialiv [Glcaml] |
glGetMinmax [Glcaml] |
glGetMinmaxEXT [Glcaml] |
glGetMinmaxParameterfv [Glcaml] |
glGetMinmaxParameterfvEXT [Glcaml] |
glGetMinmaxParameteriv [Glcaml] |
glGetMinmaxParameterivEXT [Glcaml] |
glGetObjectBufferfvATI [Glcaml] |
glGetObjectBufferivATI [Glcaml] |
glGetObjectParameterfvARB [Glcaml] |
glGetObjectParameterivARB [Glcaml] |
glGetOcclusionQueryivNV [Glcaml] |
glGetOcclusionQueryuivNV [Glcaml] |
glGetPixelMapfv [Glcaml] |
glGetPixelMapuiv [Glcaml] |
glGetPixelMapusv [Glcaml] |
glGetPixelTransformParameterfvEXT [Glcaml] |
glGetPixelTransformParameterivEXT [Glcaml] |
glGetPointerv [Glcaml] |
glGetPointervEXT [Glcaml] |
glGetPolygonStipple [Glcaml] |
glGetProgramEnvParameterdvARB [Glcaml] |
glGetProgramEnvParameterfvARB [Glcaml] |
glGetProgramInfoLog [Glcaml] |
glGetProgramLocalParameterdvARB [Glcaml] |
glGetProgramLocalParameterfvARB [Glcaml] |
glGetProgramNamedParameterdvNV [Glcaml] |
glGetProgramNamedParameterfvNV [Glcaml] |
glGetProgramParameterdvNV [Glcaml] |
glGetProgramParameterfvNV [Glcaml] |
glGetProgramStringARB [Glcaml] |
glGetProgramStringNV [Glcaml] |
glGetProgramiv [Glcaml] |
glGetProgramivARB [Glcaml] |
glGetProgramivNV [Glcaml] |
glGetQueryObjectiv [Glcaml] |
glGetQueryObjectivARB [Glcaml] |
glGetQueryObjectuiv [Glcaml] |
glGetQueryObjectuivARB [Glcaml] |
glGetQueryiv [Glcaml] |
glGetQueryivARB [Glcaml] |
glGetRenderbufferParameterivEXT [Glcaml] |
glGetSeparableFilter [Glcaml] |
glGetSeparableFilterEXT [Glcaml] |
glGetShaderInfoLog [Glcaml] |
glGetShaderSource [Glcaml] |
glGetShaderSourceARB [Glcaml] |
glGetShaderiv [Glcaml] |
glGetSharpenTexFuncSGIS [Glcaml] |
glGetString [Glcaml] |
glGetTexBumpParameterfvATI [Glcaml] |
glGetTexBumpParameterivATI [Glcaml] |
glGetTexEnvfv [Glcaml] |
glGetTexEnviv [Glcaml] |
glGetTexFilterFuncSGIS [Glcaml] |
glGetTexGendv [Glcaml] |
glGetTexGenfv [Glcaml] |
glGetTexGeniv [Glcaml] |
glGetTexImage [Glcaml] |
glGetTexLevelParameterfv [Glcaml] |
glGetTexLevelParameteriv [Glcaml] |
glGetTexParameterIivEXT [Glcaml] |
glGetTexParameterIuivEXT [Glcaml] |
glGetTexParameterPointervAPPLE [Glcaml] |
glGetTexParameterfv [Glcaml] |
glGetTexParameteriv [Glcaml] |
glGetTrackMatrixivNV [Glcaml] |
glGetTransformFeedbackVaryingNV [Glcaml] |
glGetUniformBufferSizeEXT [Glcaml] |
glGetUniformLocation [Glcaml] |
glGetUniformLocationARB [Glcaml] |
glGetUniformOffsetEXT [Glcaml] |
glGetUniformfv [Glcaml] |
glGetUniformfvARB [Glcaml] |
glGetUniformiv [Glcaml] |
glGetUniformivARB [Glcaml] |
glGetUniformuivEXT [Glcaml] |
glGetVariantArrayObjectfvATI [Glcaml] |
glGetVariantArrayObjectivATI [Glcaml] |
glGetVariantBooleanvEXT [Glcaml] |
glGetVariantFloatvEXT [Glcaml] |
glGetVariantIntegervEXT [Glcaml] |
glGetVariantPointervEXT [Glcaml] |
glGetVaryingLocationNV [Glcaml] |
glGetVertexAttribArrayObjectfvATI [Glcaml] |
glGetVertexAttribArrayObjectivATI [Glcaml] |
glGetVertexAttribIivEXT [Glcaml] |
glGetVertexAttribIuivEXT [Glcaml] |
glGetVertexAttribPointerv [Glcaml] |
glGetVertexAttribPointervARB [Glcaml] |
glGetVertexAttribPointervNV [Glcaml] |
glGetVertexAttribdv [Glcaml] |
glGetVertexAttribdvARB [Glcaml] |
glGetVertexAttribdvNV [Glcaml] |
glGetVertexAttribfv [Glcaml] |
glGetVertexAttribfvARB [Glcaml] |
glGetVertexAttribfvNV [Glcaml] |
glGetVertexAttribiv [Glcaml] |
glGetVertexAttribivARB [Glcaml] |
glGetVertexAttribivNV [Glcaml] |
glGlobalAlphaFactorbSUN [Glcaml] |
glGlobalAlphaFactordSUN [Glcaml] |
glGlobalAlphaFactorfSUN [Glcaml] |
glGlobalAlphaFactoriSUN [Glcaml] |
glGlobalAlphaFactorsSUN [Glcaml] |
glGlobalAlphaFactorubSUN [Glcaml] |
glGlobalAlphaFactoruiSUN [Glcaml] |
glGlobalAlphaFactorusSUN [Glcaml] |
glHint [Glcaml] |
glHistogram [Glcaml] |
glHistogramEXT [Glcaml] |
glImageTransformParameterfHP [Glcaml] |
glImageTransformParameterfvHP [Glcaml] |
glImageTransformParameteriHP [Glcaml] |
glImageTransformParameterivHP [Glcaml] |
glIndexFuncEXT [Glcaml] |
glIndexMask [Glcaml] |
glIndexMaterialEXT [Glcaml] |
glIndexPointer [Glcaml] |
glIndexPointerEXT [Glcaml] |
glIndexPointerListIBM [Glcaml] |
glIndexd [Glcaml] |
glIndexdv [Glcaml] |
glIndexf [Glcaml] |
glIndexfv [Glcaml] |
glIndexi [Glcaml] |
glIndexiv [Glcaml] |
glIndexs [Glcaml] |
glIndexsv [Glcaml] |
glIndexub [Glcaml] |
glIndexubv [Glcaml] |
glInitNames [Glcaml] |
glInsertComponentEXT [Glcaml] |
glInterleavedArrays [Glcaml] |
glIsAsyncMarkerSGIX [Glcaml] |
glIsBuffer [Glcaml] |
glIsBufferARB [Glcaml] |
glIsEnabled [Glcaml] |
glIsEnabledIndexedEXT [Glcaml] |
glIsFenceAPPLE [Glcaml] |
glIsFenceNV [Glcaml] |
glIsFramebufferEXT [Glcaml] |
glIsList [Glcaml] |
glIsObjectBufferATI [Glcaml] |
glIsOcclusionQueryNV [Glcaml] |
glIsProgram [Glcaml] |
glIsProgramARB [Glcaml] |
glIsProgramNV [Glcaml] |
glIsQuery [Glcaml] |
glIsQueryARB [Glcaml] |
glIsRenderbufferEXT [Glcaml] |
glIsShader [Glcaml] |
glIsTexture [Glcaml] |
glIsTextureEXT [Glcaml] |
glIsVariantEnabledEXT [Glcaml] |
glIsVertexArrayAPPLE [Glcaml] |
glLightEnviEXT [Glcaml] |
glLightModelf [Glcaml] |
glLightModelfv [Glcaml] |
glLightModeli [Glcaml] |
glLightModeliv [Glcaml] |
glLightf [Glcaml] |
glLightfv [Glcaml] |
glLighti [Glcaml] |
glLightiv [Glcaml] |
glLineStipple [Glcaml] |
glLineWidth [Glcaml] |
glLinkProgram [Glcaml] |
glLinkProgramARB [Glcaml] |
glListBase [Glcaml] |
glLoadIdentity [Glcaml] |
glLoadMatrixd [Glcaml] |
glLoadMatrixf [Glcaml] |
glLoadName [Glcaml] |
glLoadProgramNV [Glcaml] |
glLoadTransposeMatrixd [Glcaml] |
glLoadTransposeMatrixdARB [Glcaml] |
glLoadTransposeMatrixf [Glcaml] |
glLoadTransposeMatrixfARB [Glcaml] |
glLockArraysEXT [Glcaml] |
glLogicOp [Glcaml] |
glMap1d [Glcaml] |
glMap1f [Glcaml] |
glMap2d [Glcaml] |
glMap2f [Glcaml] |
glMapBuffer [Glcaml] |
glMapBufferARB [Glcaml] |
glMapControlPointsNV [Glcaml] |
glMapGrid1d [Glcaml] |
glMapGrid1f [Glcaml] |
glMapGrid2d [Glcaml] |
glMapGrid2f [Glcaml] |
glMapObjectBufferATI [Glcaml] |
glMapParameterfvNV [Glcaml] |
glMapParameterivNV [Glcaml] |
glMaterialf [Glcaml] |
glMaterialfv [Glcaml] |
glMateriali [Glcaml] |
glMaterialiv [Glcaml] |
glMatrixIndexPointerARB [Glcaml] |
glMatrixIndexubvARB [Glcaml] |
glMatrixIndexuivARB [Glcaml] |
glMatrixIndexusvARB [Glcaml] |
glMatrixMode [Glcaml] |
glMinmax [Glcaml] |
glMinmaxEXT [Glcaml] |
glMultMatrixd [Glcaml] |
glMultMatrixf [Glcaml] |
glMultTransposeMatrixd [Glcaml] |
glMultTransposeMatrixdARB [Glcaml] |
glMultTransposeMatrixf [Glcaml] |
glMultTransposeMatrixfARB [Glcaml] |
glMultiDrawArrays [Glcaml] |
glMultiDrawArraysEXT [Glcaml] |
glMultiDrawElementArrayAPPLE [Glcaml] |
glMultiDrawElements [Glcaml] |
glMultiDrawElementsEXT [Glcaml] |
glMultiDrawRangeElementArrayAPPLE [Glcaml] |
glMultiModeDrawArraysIBM [Glcaml] |
glMultiModeDrawElementsIBM [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord1d [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord1dARB [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord1dv [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord1dvARB [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord1f [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord1fARB [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord1fv [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord1fvARB [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord1hNV [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord1hvNV [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord1i [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord1iARB [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord1iv [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord1ivARB [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord1s [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord1sARB [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord1sv [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord1svARB [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord2d [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord2dARB [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord2dv [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord2dvARB [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord2f [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord2fARB [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord2fv [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord2fvARB [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord2hNV [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord2hvNV [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord2i [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord2iARB [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord2iv [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord2ivARB [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord2s [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord2sARB [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord2sv [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord2svARB [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord3d [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord3dARB [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord3dv [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord3dvARB [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord3f [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord3fARB [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord3fv [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord3fvARB [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord3hNV [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord3hvNV [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord3i [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord3iARB [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord3iv [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord3ivARB [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord3s [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord3sARB [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord3sv [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord3svARB [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord4d [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord4dARB [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord4dv [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord4dvARB [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord4f [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord4fARB [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord4fv [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord4fvARB [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord4hNV [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord4hvNV [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord4i [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord4iARB [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord4iv [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord4ivARB [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord4s [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord4sARB [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord4sv [Glcaml] |
glMultiTexCoord4svARB [Glcaml] |
glNewBufferRegionEXT [Glcaml] |
glNewList [Glcaml] |
glNewObjectBufferATI [Glcaml] |
glNormal3b [Glcaml] |
glNormal3bv [Glcaml] |
glNormal3d [Glcaml] |
glNormal3dv [Glcaml] |
glNormal3f [Glcaml] |
glNormal3fVertex3fSUN [Glcaml] |
glNormal3fVertex3fvSUN [Glcaml] |
glNormal3fv [Glcaml] |
glNormal3hNV [Glcaml] |
glNormal3hvNV [Glcaml] |
glNormal3i [Glcaml] |
glNormal3iv [Glcaml] |
glNormal3s [Glcaml] |
glNormal3sv [Glcaml] |
glNormalPointer [Glcaml] |
glNormalPointerEXT [Glcaml] |
glNormalPointerListIBM [Glcaml] |
glNormalPointervINTEL [Glcaml] |
glNormalStream3bATI [Glcaml] |
glNormalStream3bvATI [Glcaml] |
glNormalStream3dATI [Glcaml] |
glNormalStream3dvATI [Glcaml] |
glNormalStream3fATI [Glcaml] |
glNormalStream3fvATI [Glcaml] |
glNormalStream3iATI [Glcaml] |
glNormalStream3ivATI [Glcaml] |
glNormalStream3sATI [Glcaml] |
glNormalStream3svATI [Glcaml] |
glOrtho [Glcaml] |
glOrthofOES [Glcaml] |
glPNTrianglesfATI [Glcaml] |
glPNTrianglesiATI [Glcaml] |
glPassTexCoordATI [Glcaml] |
glPassThrough [Glcaml] |
glPixelDataRangeNV [Glcaml] |
glPixelMapfv [Glcaml] |
glPixelMapuiv [Glcaml] |
glPixelMapusv [Glcaml] |
glPixelStoref [Glcaml] |
glPixelStorei [Glcaml] |
glPixelTexGenSGIX [Glcaml] |
glPixelTransferf [Glcaml] |
glPixelTransferi [Glcaml] |
glPixelTransformParameterfEXT [Glcaml] |
glPixelTransformParameterfvEXT [Glcaml] |
glPixelTransformParameteriEXT [Glcaml] |
glPixelTransformParameterivEXT [Glcaml] |
glPixelZoom [Glcaml] |
glPointParameterf [Glcaml] |
glPointParameterfARB [Glcaml] |
glPointParameterfEXT [Glcaml] |
glPointParameterfv [Glcaml] |
glPointParameterfvARB [Glcaml] |
glPointParameterfvEXT [Glcaml] |
glPointParameteriNV [Glcaml] |
glPointParameterivNV [Glcaml] |
glPointSize [Glcaml] |
glPollAsyncSGIX [Glcaml] |
glPolygonMode [Glcaml] |
glPolygonOffset [Glcaml] |
glPolygonOffsetEXT [Glcaml] |
glPolygonStipple [Glcaml] |
glPopAttrib [Glcaml] |
glPopClientAttrib [Glcaml] |
glPopMatrix [Glcaml] |
glPopName [Glcaml] |
glPrimitiveRestartIndexNV [Glcaml] |
glPrimitiveRestartNV [Glcaml] |
glPrioritizeTextures [Glcaml] |
glPrioritizeTexturesEXT [Glcaml] |
glProgramBufferParametersIivNV [Glcaml] |
glProgramBufferParametersIuivNV [Glcaml] |
glProgramBufferParametersfvNV [Glcaml] |
glProgramEnvParameter4dARB [Glcaml] |
glProgramEnvParameter4dvARB [Glcaml] |
glProgramEnvParameter4fARB [Glcaml] |
glProgramEnvParameter4fvARB [Glcaml] |
glProgramEnvParameterI4iNV [Glcaml] |
glProgramEnvParameterI4ivNV [Glcaml] |
glProgramEnvParameterI4uiNV [Glcaml] |
glProgramEnvParameterI4uivNV [Glcaml] |
glProgramEnvParameters4fvEXT [Glcaml] |
glProgramEnvParametersI4ivNV [Glcaml] |
glProgramEnvParametersI4uivNV [Glcaml] |
glProgramLocalParameter4dARB [Glcaml] |
glProgramLocalParameter4dvARB [Glcaml] |
glProgramLocalParameter4fARB [Glcaml] |
glProgramLocalParameter4fvARB [Glcaml] |
glProgramLocalParameterI4iNV [Glcaml] |
glProgramLocalParameterI4ivNV [Glcaml] |
glProgramLocalParameterI4uiNV [Glcaml] |
glProgramLocalParameterI4uivNV [Glcaml] |
glProgramLocalParameters4fvEXT [Glcaml] |
glProgramLocalParametersI4ivNV [Glcaml] |
glProgramLocalParametersI4uivNV [Glcaml] |
glProgramNamedParameter4dNV [Glcaml] |
glProgramNamedParameter4dvNV [Glcaml] |
glProgramNamedParameter4fNV [Glcaml] |
glProgramNamedParameter4fvNV [Glcaml] |
glProgramParameter4dNV [Glcaml] |
glProgramParameter4dvNV [Glcaml] |
glProgramParameter4fNV [Glcaml] |
glProgramParameter4fvNV [Glcaml] |
glProgramParameteriEXT [Glcaml] |
glProgramParameters4dvNV [Glcaml] |
glProgramParameters4fvNV [Glcaml] |
glProgramStringARB [Glcaml] |
glProgramVertexLimitNV [Glcaml] |
glPushAttrib [Glcaml] |
glPushClientAttrib [Glcaml] |
glPushMatrix [Glcaml] |
glPushName [Glcaml] |
glRasterPos2d [Glcaml] |
glRasterPos2dv [Glcaml] |
glRasterPos2f [Glcaml] |
glRasterPos2fv [Glcaml] |
glRasterPos2i [Glcaml] |
glRasterPos2iv [Glcaml] |
glRasterPos2s [Glcaml] |
glRasterPos2sv [Glcaml] |
glRasterPos3d [Glcaml] |
glRasterPos3dv [Glcaml] |
glRasterPos3f [Glcaml] |
glRasterPos3fv [Glcaml] |
glRasterPos3i [Glcaml] |
glRasterPos3iv [Glcaml] |
glRasterPos3s [Glcaml] |
glRasterPos3sv [Glcaml] |
glRasterPos4d [Glcaml] |
glRasterPos4dv [Glcaml] |
glRasterPos4f [Glcaml] |
glRasterPos4fv [Glcaml] |
glRasterPos4i [Glcaml] |
glRasterPos4iv [Glcaml] |
glRasterPos4s [Glcaml] |
glRasterPos4sv [Glcaml] |
glReadBuffer [Glcaml] |
glReadBufferRegionEXT [Glcaml] |
glReadPixels [Glcaml] |
glReadVideoPixelsSUN [Glcaml] |
glRectd [Glcaml] |
glRectdv [Glcaml] |
glRectf [Glcaml] |
glRectfv [Glcaml] |
glRecti [Glcaml] |
glRectiv [Glcaml] |
glRects [Glcaml] |
glRectsv [Glcaml] |
glReferencePlaneSGIX [Glcaml] |
glRenderMode [Glcaml] |
glRenderbufferStorageEXT [Glcaml] |
glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleCoverageNV [Glcaml] |
glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT [Glcaml] |
glReplacementCodePointerSUN [Glcaml] |
glReplacementCodeubSUN [Glcaml] |
glReplacementCodeubvSUN [Glcaml] |
glReplacementCodeuiColor3fVertex3fSUN [Glcaml] |
glReplacementCodeuiColor3fVertex3fvSUN [Glcaml] |
glReplacementCodeuiColor4fNormal3fVertex3fSUN [Glcaml] |
glReplacementCodeuiColor4fNormal3fVertex3fvSUN [Glcaml] |
glReplacementCodeuiColor4ubVertex3fSUN [Glcaml] |
glReplacementCodeuiColor4ubVertex3fvSUN [Glcaml] |
glReplacementCodeuiNormal3fVertex3fSUN [Glcaml] |
glReplacementCodeuiNormal3fVertex3fvSUN [Glcaml] |
glReplacementCodeuiSUN [Glcaml] |
glReplacementCodeuiTexCoord2fColor4fNormal3fVertex3fSUN [Glcaml] |
glReplacementCodeuiTexCoord2fColor4fNormal3fVertex3fvSUN [Glcaml] |
glReplacementCodeuiTexCoord2fNormal3fVertex3fSUN [Glcaml] |
glReplacementCodeuiTexCoord2fNormal3fVertex3fvSUN [Glcaml] |
glReplacementCodeuiTexCoord2fVertex3fSUN [Glcaml] |
glReplacementCodeuiTexCoord2fVertex3fvSUN [Glcaml] |
glReplacementCodeuiVertex3fSUN [Glcaml] |
glReplacementCodeuiVertex3fvSUN [Glcaml] |
glReplacementCodeuivSUN [Glcaml] |
glReplacementCodeusSUN [Glcaml] |
glReplacementCodeusvSUN [Glcaml] |
glRequestResidentProgramsNV [Glcaml] |
glResetHistogram [Glcaml] |
glResetHistogramEXT [Glcaml] |
glResetMinmax [Glcaml] |
glResetMinmaxEXT [Glcaml] |
glResizeBuffersMESA [Glcaml] |
glRotated [Glcaml] |
glRotatef [Glcaml] |
glSampleCoverage [Glcaml] |
glSampleCoverageARB [Glcaml] |
glSampleMapATI [Glcaml] |
glSampleMaskEXT [Glcaml] |
glSampleMaskSGIS [Glcaml] |
glSamplePatternEXT [Glcaml] |
glSamplePatternSGIS [Glcaml] |
glScaled [Glcaml] |
glScalef [Glcaml] |
glScissor [Glcaml] |
glSecondaryColor3b [Glcaml] |
glSecondaryColor3bEXT [Glcaml] |
glSecondaryColor3bv [Glcaml] |
glSecondaryColor3bvEXT [Glcaml] |
glSecondaryColor3d [Glcaml] |
glSecondaryColor3dEXT [Glcaml] |
glSecondaryColor3dv [Glcaml] |
glSecondaryColor3dvEXT [Glcaml] |
glSecondaryColor3f [Glcaml] |
glSecondaryColor3fEXT [Glcaml] |
glSecondaryColor3fv [Glcaml] |
glSecondaryColor3fvEXT [Glcaml] |
glSecondaryColor3hNV [Glcaml] |
glSecondaryColor3hvNV [Glcaml] |
glSecondaryColor3i [Glcaml] |
glSecondaryColor3iEXT [Glcaml] |
glSecondaryColor3iv [Glcaml] |
glSecondaryColor3ivEXT [Glcaml] |
glSecondaryColor3s [Glcaml] |
glSecondaryColor3sEXT [Glcaml] |
glSecondaryColor3sv [Glcaml] |
glSecondaryColor3svEXT [Glcaml] |
glSecondaryColor3ub [Glcaml] |
glSecondaryColor3ubEXT [Glcaml] |
glSecondaryColor3ubv [Glcaml] |
glSecondaryColor3ubvEXT [Glcaml] |
glSecondaryColor3ui [Glcaml] |
glSecondaryColor3uiEXT [Glcaml] |
glSecondaryColor3uiv [Glcaml] |
glSecondaryColor3uivEXT [Glcaml] |
glSecondaryColor3us [Glcaml] |
glSecondaryColor3usEXT [Glcaml] |
glSecondaryColor3usv [Glcaml] |
glSecondaryColor3usvEXT [Glcaml] |
glSecondaryColorPointer [Glcaml] |
glSecondaryColorPointerEXT [Glcaml] |
glSecondaryColorPointerListIBM [Glcaml] |
glSelectBuffer [Glcaml] |
glSeparableFilter2D [Glcaml] |
glSeparableFilter2DEXT [Glcaml] |
glSetFenceAPPLE [Glcaml] |
glSetFenceNV [Glcaml] |
glSetFragmentShaderConstantATI [Glcaml] |
glSetInvariantEXT [Glcaml] |
glSetLocalConstantEXT [Glcaml] |
glShadeModel [Glcaml] |
glShaderOp1EXT [Glcaml] |
glShaderOp2EXT [Glcaml] |
glShaderOp3EXT [Glcaml] |
glShaderSource [Glcaml] |
glShaderSourceARB [Glcaml] |
glSharpenTexFuncSGIS [Glcaml] |
glSpriteParameterfSGIX [Glcaml] |
glSpriteParameterfvSGIX [Glcaml] |
glSpriteParameteriSGIX [Glcaml] |
glSpriteParameterivSGIX [Glcaml] |
glStencilFunc [Glcaml] |
glStencilFuncSeparate [Glcaml] |
glStencilFuncSeparateATI [Glcaml] |
glStencilMask [Glcaml] |
glStencilMaskSeparate [Glcaml] |
glStencilOp [Glcaml] |
glStencilOpSeparate [Glcaml] |
glStencilOpSeparateATI [Glcaml] |
glStringMarkerGREMEDY [Glcaml] |
glSwizzleEXT [Glcaml] |
glTagSampleBufferSGIX [Glcaml] |
glTangentPointerEXT [Glcaml] |
glTbufferMask3DFX [Glcaml] |
glTestFenceAPPLE [Glcaml] |
glTestFenceNV [Glcaml] |
glTestObjectAPPLE [Glcaml] |
glTexBufferEXT [Glcaml] |
glTexBumpParameterfvATI [Glcaml] |
glTexBumpParameterivATI [Glcaml] |
glTexCoord1d [Glcaml] |
glTexCoord1dv [Glcaml] |
glTexCoord1f [Glcaml] |
glTexCoord1fv [Glcaml] |
glTexCoord1hNV [Glcaml] |
glTexCoord1hvNV [Glcaml] |
glTexCoord1i [Glcaml] |
glTexCoord1iv [Glcaml] |
glTexCoord1s [Glcaml] |
glTexCoord1sv [Glcaml] |
glTexCoord2d [Glcaml] |
glTexCoord2dv [Glcaml] |
glTexCoord2f [Glcaml] |
glTexCoord2fColor3fVertex3fSUN [Glcaml] |
glTexCoord2fColor3fVertex3fvSUN [Glcaml] |
glTexCoord2fColor4fNormal3fVertex3fSUN [Glcaml] |
glTexCoord2fColor4fNormal3fVertex3fvSUN [Glcaml] |
glTexCoord2fColor4ubVertex3fSUN [Glcaml] |
glTexCoord2fColor4ubVertex3fvSUN [Glcaml] |
glTexCoord2fNormal3fVertex3fSUN [Glcaml] |
glTexCoord2fNormal3fVertex3fvSUN [Glcaml] |
glTexCoord2fVertex3fSUN [Glcaml] |
glTexCoord2fVertex3fvSUN [Glcaml] |
glTexCoord2fv [Glcaml] |
glTexCoord2hNV [Glcaml] |
glTexCoord2hvNV [Glcaml] |
glTexCoord2i [Glcaml] |
glTexCoord2iv [Glcaml] |
glTexCoord2s [Glcaml] |
glTexCoord2sv [Glcaml] |
glTexCoord3d [Glcaml] |
glTexCoord3dv [Glcaml] |
glTexCoord3f [Glcaml] |
glTexCoord3fv [Glcaml] |
glTexCoord3hNV [Glcaml] |
glTexCoord3hvNV [Glcaml] |
glTexCoord3i [Glcaml] |
glTexCoord3iv [Glcaml] |
glTexCoord3s [Glcaml] |
glTexCoord3sv [Glcaml] |
glTexCoord4d [Glcaml] |
glTexCoord4dv [Glcaml] |
glTexCoord4f [Glcaml] |
glTexCoord4fColor4fNormal3fVertex4fSUN [Glcaml] |
glTexCoord4fColor4fNormal3fVertex4fvSUN [Glcaml] |
glTexCoord4fVertex4fSUN [Glcaml] |
glTexCoord4fVertex4fvSUN [Glcaml] |
glTexCoord4fv [Glcaml] |
glTexCoord4hNV [Glcaml] |
glTexCoord4hvNV [Glcaml] |
glTexCoord4i [Glcaml] |
glTexCoord4iv [Glcaml] |
glTexCoord4s [Glcaml] |
glTexCoord4sv [Glcaml] |
glTexCoordPointer [Glcaml] |
glTexCoordPointerEXT [Glcaml] |
glTexCoordPointerListIBM [Glcaml] |
glTexCoordPointervINTEL [Glcaml] |
glTexEnvf [Glcaml] |
glTexEnvfv [Glcaml] |
glTexEnvi [Glcaml] |
glTexEnviv [Glcaml] |
glTexFilterFuncSGIS [Glcaml] |
glTexGend [Glcaml] |
glTexGendv [Glcaml] |
glTexGenf [Glcaml] |
glTexGenfv [Glcaml] |
glTexGeni [Glcaml] |
glTexGeniv [Glcaml] |
glTexImage1D [Glcaml] |
glTexImage2D [Glcaml] |
glTexImage3D [Glcaml] |
glTexImage3DEXT [Glcaml] |
glTexImage4DSGIS [Glcaml] |
glTexParameterIivEXT [Glcaml] |
glTexParameterIuivEXT [Glcaml] |
glTexParameterf [Glcaml] |
glTexParameterfv [Glcaml] |
glTexParameteri [Glcaml] |
glTexParameteriv [Glcaml] |
glTexScissorFuncINTEL [Glcaml] |
glTexScissorINTEL [Glcaml] |
glTexSubImage1D [Glcaml] |
glTexSubImage1DEXT [Glcaml] |
glTexSubImage2D [Glcaml] |
glTexSubImage2DEXT [Glcaml] |
glTexSubImage3D [Glcaml] |
glTexSubImage3DEXT [Glcaml] |
glTexSubImage4DSGIS [Glcaml] |
glTextureFogSGIX [Glcaml] |
glTextureLightEXT [Glcaml] |
glTextureMaterialEXT [Glcaml] |
glTextureNormalEXT [Glcaml] |
glTextureRangeAPPLE [Glcaml] |
glTrackMatrixNV [Glcaml] |
glTransformFeedbackAttribsNV [Glcaml] |
glTransformFeedbackVaryingsNV [Glcaml] |
glTranslated [Glcaml] |
glTranslatef [Glcaml] |
glUniform1f [Glcaml] |
glUniform1fARB [Glcaml] |
glUniform1fv [Glcaml] |
glUniform1fvARB [Glcaml] |
glUniform1i [Glcaml] |
glUniform1iARB [Glcaml] |
glUniform1iv [Glcaml] |
glUniform1ivARB [Glcaml] |
glUniform1uiEXT [Glcaml] |
glUniform1uivEXT [Glcaml] |
glUniform2f [Glcaml] |
glUniform2fARB [Glcaml] |
glUniform2fv [Glcaml] |
glUniform2fvARB [Glcaml] |
glUniform2i [Glcaml] |
glUniform2iARB [Glcaml] |
glUniform2iv [Glcaml] |
glUniform2ivARB [Glcaml] |
glUniform2uiEXT [Glcaml] |
glUniform2uivEXT [Glcaml] |
glUniform3f [Glcaml] |
glUniform3fARB [Glcaml] |
glUniform3fv [Glcaml] |
glUniform3fvARB [Glcaml] |
glUniform3i [Glcaml] |
glUniform3iARB [Glcaml] |
glUniform3iv [Glcaml] |
glUniform3ivARB [Glcaml] |
glUniform3uiEXT [Glcaml] |
glUniform3uivEXT [Glcaml] |
glUniform4f [Glcaml] |
glUniform4fARB [Glcaml] |
glUniform4fv [Glcaml] |
glUniform4fvARB [Glcaml] |
glUniform4i [Glcaml] |
glUniform4iARB [Glcaml] |
glUniform4iv [Glcaml] |
glUniform4ivARB [Glcaml] |
glUniform4uiEXT [Glcaml] |
glUniform4uivEXT [Glcaml] |
glUniformBufferEXT [Glcaml] |
glUniformMatrix2fv [Glcaml] |
glUniformMatrix2fvARB [Glcaml] |
glUniformMatrix2x3fv [Glcaml] |
glUniformMatrix2x4fv [Glcaml] |
glUniformMatrix3fv [Glcaml] |
glUniformMatrix3fvARB [Glcaml] |
glUniformMatrix3x2fv [Glcaml] |
glUniformMatrix3x4fv [Glcaml] |
glUniformMatrix4fv [Glcaml] |
glUniformMatrix4fvARB [Glcaml] |
glUniformMatrix4x2fv [Glcaml] |
glUniformMatrix4x3fv [Glcaml] |
glUnlockArraysEXT [Glcaml] |
glUnmapBuffer [Glcaml] |
glUnmapBufferARB [Glcaml] |
glUnmapObjectBufferATI [Glcaml] |
glUpdateObjectBufferATI [Glcaml] |
glUseProgram [Glcaml] |
glUseProgramObjectARB [Glcaml] |
glValidateProgram [Glcaml] |
glValidateProgramARB [Glcaml] |
glVariantArrayObjectATI [Glcaml] |
glVariantPointerEXT [Glcaml] |
glVariantbvEXT [Glcaml] |
glVariantdvEXT [Glcaml] |
glVariantfvEXT [Glcaml] |
glVariantivEXT [Glcaml] |
glVariantsvEXT [Glcaml] |
glVariantubvEXT [Glcaml] |
glVariantuivEXT [Glcaml] |
glVariantusvEXT [Glcaml] |
glVertex2d [Glcaml] |
glVertex2dv [Glcaml] |
glVertex2f [Glcaml] |
glVertex2fv [Glcaml] |
glVertex2hNV [Glcaml] |
glVertex2hvNV [Glcaml] |
glVertex2i [Glcaml] |
glVertex2iv [Glcaml] |
glVertex2s [Glcaml] |
glVertex2sv [Glcaml] |
glVertex3d [Glcaml] |
glVertex3dv [Glcaml] |
glVertex3f [Glcaml] |
glVertex3fv [Glcaml] |
glVertex3hNV [Glcaml] |
glVertex3hvNV [Glcaml] |
glVertex3i [Glcaml] |
glVertex3iv [Glcaml] |
glVertex3s [Glcaml] |
glVertex3sv [Glcaml] |
glVertex4d [Glcaml] |
glVertex4dv [Glcaml] |
glVertex4f [Glcaml] |
glVertex4fv [Glcaml] |
glVertex4hNV [Glcaml] |
glVertex4hvNV [Glcaml] |
glVertex4i [Glcaml] |
glVertex4iv [Glcaml] |
glVertex4s [Glcaml] |
glVertex4sv [Glcaml] |
glVertexArrayParameteriAPPLE [Glcaml] |
glVertexArrayRangeAPPLE [Glcaml] |
glVertexArrayRangeNV [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib1d [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib1dARB [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib1dNV [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib1dv [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib1dvARB [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib1dvNV [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib1f [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib1fARB [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib1fNV [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib1fv [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib1fvARB [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib1fvNV [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib1hNV [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib1hvNV [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib1s [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib1sARB [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib1sNV [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib1sv [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib1svARB [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib1svNV [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib2d [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib2dARB [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib2dNV [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib2dv [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib2dvARB [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib2dvNV [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib2f [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib2fARB [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib2fNV [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib2fv [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib2fvARB [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib2fvNV [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib2hNV [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib2hvNV [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib2s [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib2sARB [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib2sNV [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib2sv [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib2svARB [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib2svNV [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib3d [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib3dARB [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib3dNV [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib3dv [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib3dvARB [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib3dvNV [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib3f [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib3fARB [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib3fNV [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib3fv [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib3fvARB [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib3fvNV [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib3hNV [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib3hvNV [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib3s [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib3sARB [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib3sNV [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib3sv [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib3svARB [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib3svNV [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib4Nbv [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib4NbvARB [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib4Niv [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib4NivARB [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib4Nsv [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib4NsvARB [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib4Nub [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib4NubARB [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib4Nubv [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib4NubvARB [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib4Nuiv [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib4NuivARB [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib4Nusv [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib4NusvARB [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib4bv [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib4bvARB [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib4d [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib4dARB [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib4dNV [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib4dv [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib4dvARB [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib4dvNV [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib4f [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib4fARB [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib4fNV [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib4fv [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib4fvARB [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib4fvNV [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib4hNV [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib4hvNV [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib4iv [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib4ivARB [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib4s [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib4sARB [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib4sNV [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib4sv [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib4svARB [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib4svNV [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib4ubNV [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib4ubv [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib4ubvARB [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib4ubvNV [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib4uiv [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib4uivARB [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib4usv [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttrib4usvARB [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttribArrayObjectATI [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttribI1iEXT [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttribI1ivEXT [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttribI1uiEXT [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttribI1uivEXT [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttribI2iEXT [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttribI2ivEXT [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttribI2uiEXT [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttribI2uivEXT [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttribI3iEXT [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttribI3ivEXT [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttribI3uiEXT [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttribI3uivEXT [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttribI4bvEXT [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttribI4iEXT [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttribI4ivEXT [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttribI4svEXT [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttribI4ubvEXT [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttribI4uiEXT [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttribI4uivEXT [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttribI4usvEXT [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttribIPointerEXT [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttribPointer [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttribPointerARB [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttribPointerNV [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttribs1dvNV [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttribs1fvNV [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttribs1hvNV [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttribs1svNV [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttribs2dvNV [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttribs2fvNV [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttribs2hvNV [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttribs2svNV [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttribs3dvNV [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttribs3fvNV [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttribs3hvNV [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttribs3svNV [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttribs4dvNV [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttribs4fvNV [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttribs4hvNV [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttribs4svNV [Glcaml] |
glVertexAttribs4ubvNV [Glcaml] |
glVertexBlendARB [Glcaml] |
glVertexBlendEnvfATI [Glcaml] |
glVertexBlendEnviATI [Glcaml] |
glVertexPointer [Glcaml] |
glVertexPointerEXT [Glcaml] |
glVertexPointerListIBM [Glcaml] |
glVertexPointervINTEL [Glcaml] |
glVertexStream2dATI [Glcaml] |
glVertexStream2dvATI [Glcaml] |
glVertexStream2fATI [Glcaml] |
glVertexStream2fvATI [Glcaml] |
glVertexStream2iATI [Glcaml] |
glVertexStream2ivATI [Glcaml] |
glVertexStream2sATI [Glcaml] |
glVertexStream2svATI [Glcaml] |
glVertexStream3dATI [Glcaml] |
glVertexStream3dvATI [Glcaml] |
glVertexStream3fATI [Glcaml] |
glVertexStream3fvATI [Glcaml] |
glVertexStream3iATI [Glcaml] |
glVertexStream3ivATI [Glcaml] |
glVertexStream3sATI [Glcaml] |
glVertexStream3svATI [Glcaml] |
glVertexStream4dATI [Glcaml] |
glVertexStream4dvATI [Glcaml] |
glVertexStream4fATI [Glcaml] |
glVertexStream4fvATI [Glcaml] |
glVertexStream4iATI [Glcaml] |
glVertexStream4ivATI [Glcaml] |
glVertexStream4sATI [Glcaml] |
glVertexStream4svATI [Glcaml] |
glVertexWeightPointerEXT [Glcaml] |
glVertexWeightfEXT [Glcaml] |
glVertexWeightfvEXT [Glcaml] |
glVertexWeighthNV [Glcaml] |
glVertexWeighthvNV [Glcaml] |
glViewport [Glcaml] |
glWeightPointerARB [Glcaml] |
glWeightbvARB [Glcaml] |
glWeightdvARB [Glcaml] |
glWeightfvARB [Glcaml] |
glWeightivARB [Glcaml] |
glWeightsvARB [Glcaml] |
glWeightubvARB [Glcaml] |
glWeightuivARB [Glcaml] |
glWeightusvARB [Glcaml] |
glWindowPos2d [Glcaml] |
glWindowPos2dARB [Glcaml] |
glWindowPos2dMESA [Glcaml] |
glWindowPos2dv [Glcaml] |
glWindowPos2dvARB [Glcaml] |
glWindowPos2dvMESA [Glcaml] |
glWindowPos2f [Glcaml] |
glWindowPos2fARB [Glcaml] |
glWindowPos2fMESA [Glcaml] |
glWindowPos2fv [Glcaml] |
glWindowPos2fvARB [Glcaml] |
glWindowPos2fvMESA [Glcaml] |
glWindowPos2i [Glcaml] |
glWindowPos2iARB [Glcaml] |
glWindowPos2iMESA [Glcaml] |
glWindowPos2iv [Glcaml] |
glWindowPos2ivARB [Glcaml] |
glWindowPos2ivMESA [Glcaml] |
glWindowPos2s [Glcaml] |
glWindowPos2sARB [Glcaml] |
glWindowPos2sMESA [Glcaml] |
glWindowPos2sv [Glcaml] |
glWindowPos2svARB [Glcaml] |
glWindowPos2svMESA [Glcaml] |
glWindowPos3d [Glcaml] |
glWindowPos3dARB [Glcaml] |
glWindowPos3dMESA [Glcaml] |
glWindowPos3dv [Glcaml] |
glWindowPos3dvARB [Glcaml] |
glWindowPos3dvMESA [Glcaml] |
glWindowPos3f [Glcaml] |
glWindowPos3fARB [Glcaml] |
glWindowPos3fMESA [Glcaml] |
glWindowPos3fv [Glcaml] |
glWindowPos3fvARB [Glcaml] |
glWindowPos3fvMESA [Glcaml] |
glWindowPos3i [Glcaml] |
glWindowPos3iARB [Glcaml] |
glWindowPos3iMESA [Glcaml] |
glWindowPos3iv [Glcaml] |
glWindowPos3ivARB [Glcaml] |
glWindowPos3ivMESA [Glcaml] |
glWindowPos3s [Glcaml] |
glWindowPos3sARB [Glcaml] |
glWindowPos3sMESA [Glcaml] |
glWindowPos3sv [Glcaml] |
glWindowPos3svARB [Glcaml] |
glWindowPos3svMESA [Glcaml] |
glWindowPos4dMESA [Glcaml] |
glWindowPos4dvMESA [Glcaml] |
glWindowPos4fMESA [Glcaml] |
glWindowPos4fvMESA [Glcaml] |
glWindowPos4iMESA [Glcaml] |
glWindowPos4ivMESA [Glcaml] |
glWindowPos4sMESA [Glcaml] |
glWindowPos4svMESA [Glcaml] |
glWriteMaskEXT [Glcaml] |
gl_1pass_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_1pass_sgis [Glcaml] |
gl_2_bytes [Glcaml] |
gl_2d [Glcaml] |
gl_2pass_0_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_2pass_0_sgis [Glcaml] |
gl_2pass_1_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_2pass_1_sgis [Glcaml] |
gl_2x_bit_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_3_bytes [Glcaml] |
gl_3d [Glcaml] |
gl_3d_color [Glcaml] |
gl_3d_color_texture [Glcaml] |
gl_422_average_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_422_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_422_rev_average_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_422_rev_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_4_bytes [Glcaml] |
gl_4d_color_texture [Glcaml] |
gl_4pass_0_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_4pass_0_sgis [Glcaml] |
gl_4pass_1_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_4pass_1_sgis [Glcaml] |
gl_4pass_2_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_4pass_2_sgis [Glcaml] |
gl_4pass_3_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_4pass_3_sgis [Glcaml] |
gl_4x_bit_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_8x_bit_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_abgr_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_accum [Glcaml] |
gl_accum_alpha_bits [Glcaml] |
gl_accum_blue_bits [Glcaml] |
gl_accum_buffer_bit [Glcaml] |
gl_accum_clear_value [Glcaml] |
gl_accum_green_bits [Glcaml] |
gl_accum_red_bits [Glcaml] |
gl_active_attribute_max_length [Glcaml] |
gl_active_attributes [Glcaml] |
gl_active_stencil_face_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_active_texture [Glcaml] |
gl_active_texture_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_active_uniform_max_length [Glcaml] |
gl_active_uniforms [Glcaml] |
gl_active_varying_max_length_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_active_varyings_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_active_vertex_units_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_add [Glcaml] |
gl_add_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_add_signed [Glcaml] |
gl_add_signed_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_add_signed_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_aliased_line_width_range [Glcaml] |
gl_aliased_point_size_range [Glcaml] |
gl_all_attrib_bits [Glcaml] |
gl_all_completed_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_all_static_data_ibm [Glcaml] |
gl_allow_draw_frg_hint_pgi [Glcaml] |
gl_allow_draw_mem_hint_pgi [Glcaml] |
gl_allow_draw_obj_hint_pgi [Glcaml] |
gl_allow_draw_win_hint_pgi [Glcaml] |
gl_alpha [Glcaml] |
gl_alpha12 [Glcaml] |
gl_alpha12_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_alpha16 [Glcaml] |
gl_alpha16_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_alpha16_extended_range_sgix [Glcaml] |
gl_alpha16_signed_sgix [Glcaml] |
gl_alpha16f_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_alpha16i_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_alpha16ui_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_alpha32f_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_alpha32i_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_alpha32ui_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_alpha4 [Glcaml] |
gl_alpha4_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_alpha8 [Glcaml] |
gl_alpha8_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_alpha8i_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_alpha8ui_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_alpha_bias [Glcaml] |
gl_alpha_bits [Glcaml] |
gl_alpha_extended_range_sgix [Glcaml] |
gl_alpha_float16_apple [Glcaml] |
gl_alpha_float16_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_alpha_float32_apple [Glcaml] |
gl_alpha_float32_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_alpha_integer_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_alpha_max_clamp_ingr [Glcaml] |
gl_alpha_max_sgix [Glcaml] |
gl_alpha_min_clamp_ingr [Glcaml] |
gl_alpha_min_sgix [Glcaml] |
gl_alpha_scale [Glcaml] |
gl_alpha_signed_sgix [Glcaml] |
gl_alpha_test [Glcaml] |
gl_alpha_test_func [Glcaml] |
gl_alpha_test_ref [Glcaml] |
gl_always [Glcaml] |
gl_always_fast_hint_pgi [Glcaml] |
gl_always_soft_hint_pgi [Glcaml] |
gl_ambient [Glcaml] |
gl_ambient_and_diffuse [Glcaml] |
gl_and [Glcaml] |
gl_and_inverted [Glcaml] |
gl_and_reverse [Glcaml] |
gl_array_buffer [Glcaml] |
gl_array_buffer_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_array_buffer_binding [Glcaml] |
gl_array_buffer_binding_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_array_object_buffer_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_array_object_offset_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_async_draw_pixels_sgix [Glcaml] |
gl_async_histogram_sgix [Glcaml] |
gl_async_marker_sgix [Glcaml] |
gl_async_read_pixels_sgix [Glcaml] |
gl_async_tex_image_sgix [Glcaml] |
gl_attached_shaders [Glcaml] |
gl_attenuation_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_attrib_array_pointer_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_attrib_array_size_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_attrib_array_stride_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_attrib_array_type_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_attrib_stack_depth [Glcaml] |
gl_auto_normal [Glcaml] |
gl_aux0 [Glcaml] |
gl_aux1 [Glcaml] |
gl_aux2 [Glcaml] |
gl_aux3 [Glcaml] |
gl_aux_buffers [Glcaml] |
gl_average_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_back [Glcaml] |
gl_back_left [Glcaml] |
gl_back_normals_hint_pgi [Glcaml] |
gl_back_primary_color_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_back_right [Glcaml] |
gl_back_secondary_color_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_bgr [Glcaml] |
gl_bgr_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_bgr_integer_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_bgra [Glcaml] |
gl_bgra_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_bgra_integer_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_bias_bit_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_bias_by_negative_one_half_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_binormal_array_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_binormal_array_pointer_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_binormal_array_stride_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_binormal_array_type_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_bitmap [Glcaml] |
gl_bitmap_token [Glcaml] |
gl_blend [Glcaml] |
gl_blend_color [Glcaml] |
gl_blend_color_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_blend_dst [Glcaml] |
gl_blend_dst_alpha [Glcaml] |
gl_blend_dst_alpha_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_blend_dst_rgb [Glcaml] |
gl_blend_dst_rgb_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_blend_equation [Glcaml] |
gl_blend_equation_alpha [Glcaml] |
gl_blend_equation_alpha_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_blend_equation_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_blend_equation_rgb [Glcaml] |
gl_blend_equation_rgb_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_blend_src [Glcaml] |
gl_blend_src_alpha [Glcaml] |
gl_blend_src_alpha_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_blend_src_rgb [Glcaml] |
gl_blend_src_rgb_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_blue [Glcaml] |
gl_blue_bias [Glcaml] |
gl_blue_bit_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_blue_bits [Glcaml] |
gl_blue_integer_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_blue_max_clamp_ingr [Glcaml] |
gl_blue_min_clamp_ingr [Glcaml] |
gl_blue_scale [Glcaml] |
gl_bool [Glcaml] |
gl_bool_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_bool_vec2 [Glcaml] |
gl_bool_vec2_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_bool_vec3 [Glcaml] |
gl_bool_vec3_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_bool_vec4 [Glcaml] |
gl_bool_vec4_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_buffer_access [Glcaml] |
gl_buffer_access_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_buffer_map_pointer [Glcaml] |
gl_buffer_map_pointer_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_buffer_mapped [Glcaml] |
gl_buffer_mapped_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_buffer_size [Glcaml] |
gl_buffer_size_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_buffer_usage [Glcaml] |
gl_buffer_usage_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_bump_envmap_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_bump_num_tex_units_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_bump_rot_matrix_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_bump_rot_matrix_size_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_bump_target_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_bump_tex_units_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_byte [Glcaml] |
gl_c3f_v3f [Glcaml] |
gl_c4f_n3f_v3f [Glcaml] |
gl_c4ub_v2f [Glcaml] |
gl_c4ub_v3f [Glcaml] |
gl_ccw [Glcaml] |
gl_cg_fragment_shader_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_cg_vertex_shader_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_clamp [Glcaml] |
gl_clamp_fragment_color_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_clamp_read_color_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_clamp_to_border [Glcaml] |
gl_clamp_to_border_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_clamp_to_border_sgis [Glcaml] |
gl_clamp_to_edge [Glcaml] |
gl_clamp_to_edge_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_clamp_to_edge_sgis [Glcaml] |
gl_clamp_vertex_color_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_clear [Glcaml] |
gl_client_active_texture [Glcaml] |
gl_client_active_texture_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_client_all_attrib_bits [Glcaml] |
gl_client_attrib_stack_depth [Glcaml] |
gl_client_pixel_store_bit [Glcaml] |
gl_client_vertex_array_bit [Glcaml] |
gl_clip_distance_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_clip_far_hint_pgi [Glcaml] |
gl_clip_near_hint_pgi [Glcaml] |
gl_clip_plane0 [Glcaml] |
gl_clip_plane1 [Glcaml] |
gl_clip_plane2 [Glcaml] |
gl_clip_plane3 [Glcaml] |
gl_clip_plane4 [Glcaml] |
gl_clip_plane5 [Glcaml] |
gl_clip_volume_clipping_hint_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_cmyk_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_cmyka_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_cnd0_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_cnd_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_coeff [Glcaml] |
gl_color [Glcaml] |
gl_color3_bit_pgi [Glcaml] |
gl_color4_bit_pgi [Glcaml] |
gl_color_alpha_pairing_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_color_array [Glcaml] |
gl_color_array_buffer_binding [Glcaml] |
gl_color_array_buffer_binding_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_color_array_count_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_color_array_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_color_array_list_ibm [Glcaml] |
gl_color_array_list_stride_ibm [Glcaml] |
gl_color_array_parallel_pointers_intel [Glcaml] |
gl_color_array_pointer [Glcaml] |
gl_color_array_pointer_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_color_array_size [Glcaml] |
gl_color_array_size_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_color_array_stride [Glcaml] |
gl_color_array_stride_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_color_array_type [Glcaml] |
gl_color_array_type_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_color_attachment0_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_color_attachment10_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_color_attachment11_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_color_attachment12_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_color_attachment13_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_color_attachment14_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_color_attachment15_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_color_attachment1_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_color_attachment2_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_color_attachment3_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_color_attachment4_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_color_attachment5_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_color_attachment6_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_color_attachment7_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_color_attachment8_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_color_attachment9_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_color_buffer_bit [Glcaml] |
gl_color_clear_value [Glcaml] |
gl_color_float_apple [Glcaml] |
gl_color_index [Glcaml] |
gl_color_index12_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_color_index16_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_color_index1_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_color_index2_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_color_index4_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_color_index8_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_color_indexes [Glcaml] |
gl_color_logic_op [Glcaml] |
gl_color_material [Glcaml] |
gl_color_material_face [Glcaml] |
gl_color_material_parameter [Glcaml] |
gl_color_matrix [Glcaml] |
gl_color_matrix_sgi [Glcaml] |
gl_color_matrix_stack_depth [Glcaml] |
gl_color_matrix_stack_depth_sgi [Glcaml] |
gl_color_sum [Glcaml] |
gl_color_sum_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_color_sum_clamp_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_color_sum_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_color_table [Glcaml] |
gl_color_table_alpha_size [Glcaml] |
gl_color_table_alpha_size_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_color_table_alpha_size_sgi [Glcaml] |
gl_color_table_bias [Glcaml] |
gl_color_table_bias_sgi [Glcaml] |
gl_color_table_blue_size [Glcaml] |
gl_color_table_blue_size_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_color_table_blue_size_sgi [Glcaml] |
gl_color_table_format [Glcaml] |
gl_color_table_format_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_color_table_format_sgi [Glcaml] |
gl_color_table_green_size [Glcaml] |
gl_color_table_green_size_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_color_table_green_size_sgi [Glcaml] |
gl_color_table_intensity_size [Glcaml] |
gl_color_table_intensity_size_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_color_table_intensity_size_sgi [Glcaml] |
gl_color_table_luminance_size [Glcaml] |
gl_color_table_luminance_size_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_color_table_luminance_size_sgi [Glcaml] |
gl_color_table_red_size [Glcaml] |
gl_color_table_red_size_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_color_table_red_size_sgi [Glcaml] |
gl_color_table_scale [Glcaml] |
gl_color_table_scale_sgi [Glcaml] |
gl_color_table_sgi [Glcaml] |
gl_color_table_width [Glcaml] |
gl_color_table_width_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_color_table_width_sgi [Glcaml] |
gl_color_writemask [Glcaml] |
gl_combine [Glcaml] |
gl_combine4_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_combine_alpha [Glcaml] |
gl_combine_alpha_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_combine_alpha_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_combine_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_combine_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_combine_rgb [Glcaml] |
gl_combine_rgb_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_combine_rgb_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_combiner0_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_combiner1_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_combiner2_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_combiner3_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_combiner4_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_combiner5_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_combiner6_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_combiner7_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_combiner_ab_dot_product_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_combiner_ab_output_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_combiner_bias_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_combiner_cd_dot_product_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_combiner_cd_output_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_combiner_component_usage_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_combiner_input_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_combiner_mapping_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_combiner_mux_sum_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_combiner_scale_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_combiner_sum_output_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_comp_bit_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_compare_r_to_texture [Glcaml] |
gl_compare_r_to_texture_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_compare_ref_depth_to_texture_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_compile [Glcaml] |
gl_compile_and_execute [Glcaml] |
gl_compile_status [Glcaml] |
gl_compressed_alpha [Glcaml] |
gl_compressed_alpha_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_compressed_intensity [Glcaml] |
gl_compressed_intensity_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_compressed_luminance [Glcaml] |
gl_compressed_luminance_alpha [Glcaml] |
gl_compressed_luminance_alpha_3dc_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_compressed_luminance_alpha_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_compressed_luminance_alpha_latc2_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_compressed_luminance_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_compressed_luminance_latc1_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_compressed_red_green_rgtc2_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_compressed_red_rgtc1_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_compressed_rgb [Glcaml] |
gl_compressed_rgb_3dc_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_compressed_rgb_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_compressed_rgb_fxt1_3dfx [Glcaml] |
gl_compressed_rgb_s3tc_dxt1_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_compressed_rgba [Glcaml] |
gl_compressed_rgba_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_compressed_rgba_fxt1_3dfx [Glcaml] |
gl_compressed_rgba_s3tc_dxt1_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_compressed_rgba_s3tc_dxt3_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_compressed_rgba_s3tc_dxt5_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_compressed_signed_luminance_alpha_latc2_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_compressed_signed_luminance_latc1_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_compressed_signed_red_green_rgtc2_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_compressed_signed_red_rgtc1_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_compressed_sluminance [Glcaml] |
gl_compressed_sluminance_alpha [Glcaml] |
gl_compressed_sluminance_alpha_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_compressed_sluminance_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_compressed_srgb [Glcaml] |
gl_compressed_srgb_alpha [Glcaml] |
gl_compressed_srgb_alpha_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_compressed_srgb_alpha_s3tc_dxt1_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_compressed_srgb_alpha_s3tc_dxt3_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_compressed_srgb_alpha_s3tc_dxt5_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_compressed_srgb_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_compressed_srgb_s3tc_dxt1_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_compressed_texture_formats [Glcaml] |
gl_compressed_texture_formats_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_con_0_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_con_1_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_con_2_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_con_3_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_con_4_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_con_5_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_con_6_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_con_7_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_conserve_memory_hint_pgi [Glcaml] |
gl_const_eye_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_constant [Glcaml] |
gl_constant_alpha [Glcaml] |
gl_constant_alpha_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_constant_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_constant_attenuation [Glcaml] |
gl_constant_border [Glcaml] |
gl_constant_color [Glcaml] |
gl_constant_color0_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_constant_color1_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_constant_color_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_constant_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_convolution_1d [Glcaml] |
gl_convolution_1d_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_convolution_2d [Glcaml] |
gl_convolution_2d_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_convolution_border_color [Glcaml] |
gl_convolution_border_mode [Glcaml] |
gl_convolution_border_mode_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_convolution_filter_bias [Glcaml] |
gl_convolution_filter_bias_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_convolution_filter_scale [Glcaml] |
gl_convolution_filter_scale_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_convolution_format [Glcaml] |
gl_convolution_format_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_convolution_height [Glcaml] |
gl_convolution_height_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_convolution_width [Glcaml] |
gl_convolution_width_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_coord_replace [Glcaml] |
gl_coord_replace_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_coord_replace_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_copy [Glcaml] |
gl_copy_inverted [Glcaml] |
gl_copy_pixel_token [Glcaml] |
gl_cubic_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_cull_face [Glcaml] |
gl_cull_face_mode [Glcaml] |
gl_cull_fragment_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_cull_modes_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_cull_vertex_ibm [Glcaml] |
gl_current_attrib_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_current_binormal_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_current_bit [Glcaml] |
gl_current_color [Glcaml] |
gl_current_fog_coord [Glcaml] |
gl_current_fog_coordinate [Glcaml] |
gl_current_fog_coordinate_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_current_index [Glcaml] |
gl_current_matrix_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_current_matrix_index_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_current_matrix_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_current_matrix_stack_depth_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_current_matrix_stack_depth_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_current_normal [Glcaml] |
gl_current_occlusion_query_id_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_current_palette_matrix_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_current_program [Glcaml] |
gl_current_query [Glcaml] |
gl_current_query_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_current_raster_color [Glcaml] |
gl_current_raster_distance [Glcaml] |
gl_current_raster_index [Glcaml] |
gl_current_raster_normal_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_current_raster_position [Glcaml] |
gl_current_raster_position_valid [Glcaml] |
gl_current_raster_secondary_color [Glcaml] |
gl_current_raster_texture_coords [Glcaml] |
gl_current_sample_count_query_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_current_secondary_color [Glcaml] |
gl_current_secondary_color_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_current_tangent_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_current_texture_coords [Glcaml] |
gl_current_vertex_attrib [Glcaml] |
gl_current_vertex_attrib_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_current_vertex_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_current_vertex_weight_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_current_weight_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_cw [Glcaml] |
gl_decal [Glcaml] |
gl_decr [Glcaml] |
gl_decr_wrap [Glcaml] |
gl_decr_wrap_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_delete_status [Glcaml] |
gl_dependent_ar_texture_2d_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_dependent_gb_texture_2d_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_dependent_hilo_texture_2d_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_dependent_rgb_texture_3d_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_dependent_rgb_texture_cube_map_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_depth [Glcaml] |
gl_depth24_stencil8_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_depth32f_stencil8_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_depth_attachment_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_depth_bias [Glcaml] |
gl_depth_bits [Glcaml] |
gl_depth_bounds_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_depth_bounds_test_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_depth_buffer_bit [Glcaml] |
gl_depth_buffer_float_mode_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_depth_clamp_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_depth_clear_value [Glcaml] |
gl_depth_component [Glcaml] |
gl_depth_component16 [Glcaml] |
gl_depth_component16_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_depth_component16_sgix [Glcaml] |
gl_depth_component24 [Glcaml] |
gl_depth_component24_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_depth_component24_sgix [Glcaml] |
gl_depth_component32 [Glcaml] |
gl_depth_component32_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_depth_component32_sgix [Glcaml] |
gl_depth_component32f_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_depth_func [Glcaml] |
gl_depth_range [Glcaml] |
gl_depth_scale [Glcaml] |
gl_depth_stencil_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_depth_stencil_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_depth_stencil_to_bgra_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_depth_stencil_to_rgba_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_depth_test [Glcaml] |
gl_depth_texture_mode [Glcaml] |
gl_depth_texture_mode_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_depth_writemask [Glcaml] |
gl_diffuse [Glcaml] |
gl_discard_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_discard_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_distance_attenuation_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_dither [Glcaml] |
gl_domain [Glcaml] |
gl_dont_care [Glcaml] |
gl_dot2_add_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_dot3_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_dot3_rgb [Glcaml] |
gl_dot3_rgb_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_dot3_rgb_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_dot3_rgba [Glcaml] |
gl_dot3_rgba_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_dot3_rgba_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_dot4_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_dot_product_affine_depth_replace_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_dot_product_const_eye_reflect_cube_map_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_dot_product_depth_replace_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_dot_product_diffuse_cube_map_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_dot_product_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_dot_product_pass_through_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_dot_product_reflect_cube_map_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_dot_product_texture_1d_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_dot_product_texture_2d_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_dot_product_texture_3d_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_dot_product_texture_cube_map_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_dot_product_texture_rectangle_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_double [Glcaml] |
gl_double_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_doublebuffer [Glcaml] |
gl_draw_buffer [Glcaml] |
gl_draw_buffer0 [Glcaml] |
gl_draw_buffer0_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_draw_buffer0_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_draw_buffer1 [Glcaml] |
gl_draw_buffer10 [Glcaml] |
gl_draw_buffer10_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_draw_buffer10_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_draw_buffer11 [Glcaml] |
gl_draw_buffer11_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_draw_buffer11_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_draw_buffer12 [Glcaml] |
gl_draw_buffer12_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_draw_buffer12_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_draw_buffer13 [Glcaml] |
gl_draw_buffer13_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_draw_buffer13_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_draw_buffer14 [Glcaml] |
gl_draw_buffer14_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_draw_buffer14_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_draw_buffer15 [Glcaml] |
gl_draw_buffer15_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_draw_buffer15_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_draw_buffer1_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_draw_buffer1_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_draw_buffer2 [Glcaml] |
gl_draw_buffer2_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_draw_buffer2_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_draw_buffer3 [Glcaml] |
gl_draw_buffer3_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_draw_buffer3_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_draw_buffer4 [Glcaml] |
gl_draw_buffer4_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_draw_buffer4_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_draw_buffer5 [Glcaml] |
gl_draw_buffer5_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_draw_buffer5_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_draw_buffer6 [Glcaml] |
gl_draw_buffer6_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_draw_buffer6_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_draw_buffer7 [Glcaml] |
gl_draw_buffer7_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_draw_buffer7_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_draw_buffer8 [Glcaml] |
gl_draw_buffer8_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_draw_buffer8_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_draw_buffer9 [Glcaml] |
gl_draw_buffer9_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_draw_buffer9_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_draw_framebuffer_binding_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_draw_framebuffer_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_draw_pixel_token [Glcaml] |
gl_draw_pixels_apple [Glcaml] |
gl_ds_bias_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_ds_scale_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_dsdt8_mag8_intensity8_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_dsdt8_mag8_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_dsdt8_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_dsdt_mag_intensity_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_dsdt_mag_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_dsdt_mag_vib_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_dsdt_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_dst_alpha [Glcaml] |
gl_dst_color [Glcaml] |
gl_dt_bias_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_dt_scale_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_du8dv8_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_dudv_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_dynamic_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_dynamic_copy [Glcaml] |
gl_dynamic_copy_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_dynamic_draw [Glcaml] |
gl_dynamic_draw_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_dynamic_read [Glcaml] |
gl_dynamic_read_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_e_times_f_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_edge_flag [Glcaml] |
gl_edge_flag_array [Glcaml] |
gl_edge_flag_array_buffer_binding [Glcaml] |
gl_edge_flag_array_buffer_binding_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_edge_flag_array_count_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_edge_flag_array_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_edge_flag_array_list_ibm [Glcaml] |
gl_edge_flag_array_list_stride_ibm [Glcaml] |
gl_edge_flag_array_pointer [Glcaml] |
gl_edge_flag_array_pointer_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_edge_flag_array_stride [Glcaml] |
gl_edge_flag_array_stride_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_edgeflag_bit_pgi [Glcaml] |
gl_eighth_bit_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_element_array_apple [Glcaml] |
gl_element_array_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_element_array_buffer [Glcaml] |
gl_element_array_buffer_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_element_array_buffer_binding [Glcaml] |
gl_element_array_buffer_binding_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_element_array_pointer_apple [Glcaml] |
gl_element_array_pointer_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_element_array_type_apple [Glcaml] |
gl_element_array_type_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_emboss_constant_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_emboss_light_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_emboss_map_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_emission [Glcaml] |
gl_enable_bit [Glcaml] |
gl_env_add_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_env_blend_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_env_copy_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_env_modulate_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_env_replace_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_env_reverse_blend_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_env_reverse_subtract_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_env_subtract_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_equal [Glcaml] |
gl_equiv [Glcaml] |
gl_eval_2d_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_eval_bit [Glcaml] |
gl_eval_fractional_tessellation_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_eval_triangular_2d_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_eval_vertex_attrib0_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_eval_vertex_attrib10_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_eval_vertex_attrib11_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_eval_vertex_attrib12_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_eval_vertex_attrib13_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_eval_vertex_attrib14_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_eval_vertex_attrib15_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_eval_vertex_attrib1_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_eval_vertex_attrib2_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_eval_vertex_attrib3_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_eval_vertex_attrib4_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_eval_vertex_attrib5_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_eval_vertex_attrib6_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_eval_vertex_attrib7_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_eval_vertex_attrib8_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_eval_vertex_attrib9_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_exp [Glcaml] |
gl_exp2 [Glcaml] |
gl_expand_negate_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_expand_normal_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_extended_range_sgis [Glcaml] |
gl_extensions [Glcaml] |
gl_eye_linear [Glcaml] |
gl_eye_plane [Glcaml] |
gl_eye_plane_absolute_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_eye_radial_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_false [Glcaml] |
gl_fastest [Glcaml] |
gl_feedback [Glcaml] |
gl_feedback_buffer_pointer [Glcaml] |
gl_feedback_buffer_size [Glcaml] |
gl_feedback_buffer_type [Glcaml] |
gl_fence_apple [Glcaml] |
gl_fence_condition_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_fence_status_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_fill [Glcaml] |
gl_fixed_only_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_flat [Glcaml] |
gl_float [Glcaml] |
gl_float_32_unsigned_int_24_8_rev_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_float_clear_color_value_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_float_mat2 [Glcaml] |
gl_float_mat2_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_float_mat3 [Glcaml] |
gl_float_mat3_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_float_mat4 [Glcaml] |
gl_float_mat4_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_float_r16_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_float_r32_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_float_r_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_float_rg16_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_float_rg32_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_float_rg_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_float_rgb16_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_float_rgb32_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_float_rgb_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_float_rgba16_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_float_rgba32_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_float_rgba_mode_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_float_rgba_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_float_vec2 [Glcaml] |
gl_float_vec2_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_float_vec3 [Glcaml] |
gl_float_vec3_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_float_vec4 [Glcaml] |
gl_float_vec4_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_fog [Glcaml] |
gl_fog_bit [Glcaml] |
gl_fog_color [Glcaml] |
gl_fog_coord [Glcaml] |
gl_fog_coord_array [Glcaml] |
gl_fog_coord_array_buffer_binding [Glcaml] |
gl_fog_coord_array_pointer [Glcaml] |
gl_fog_coord_array_stride [Glcaml] |
gl_fog_coord_array_type [Glcaml] |
gl_fog_coord_src [Glcaml] |
gl_fog_coordinate [Glcaml] |
gl_fog_coordinate_array [Glcaml] |
gl_fog_coordinate_array_buffer_binding [Glcaml] |
gl_fog_coordinate_array_buffer_binding_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_fog_coordinate_array_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_fog_coordinate_array_list_ibm [Glcaml] |
gl_fog_coordinate_array_list_stride_ibm [Glcaml] |
gl_fog_coordinate_array_pointer [Glcaml] |
gl_fog_coordinate_array_pointer_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_fog_coordinate_array_stride [Glcaml] |
gl_fog_coordinate_array_stride_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_fog_coordinate_array_type [Glcaml] |
gl_fog_coordinate_array_type_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_fog_coordinate_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_fog_coordinate_source [Glcaml] |
gl_fog_coordinate_source_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_fog_density [Glcaml] |
gl_fog_distance_mode_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_fog_end [Glcaml] |
gl_fog_hint [Glcaml] |
gl_fog_index [Glcaml] |
gl_fog_mode [Glcaml] |
gl_fog_offset_sgix [Glcaml] |
gl_fog_offset_value_sgix [Glcaml] |
gl_fog_patchy_factor_sgix [Glcaml] |
gl_fog_specular_texture_win [Glcaml] |
gl_fog_start [Glcaml] |
gl_force_blue_to_one_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_format_subsample_244_244_oml [Glcaml] |
gl_format_subsample_24_24_oml [Glcaml] |
gl_fragment_color_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_fragment_color_material_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_fragment_color_material_face_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_fragment_color_material_parameter_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_fragment_depth [Glcaml] |
gl_fragment_depth_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_fragment_fog_sgix [Glcaml] |
gl_fragment_light0_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_fragment_light7_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_fragment_light_model_ambient_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_fragment_light_model_local_viewer_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_fragment_light_model_normal_interpolation_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_fragment_light_model_two_side_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_fragment_lighting_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_fragment_material_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_fragment_normal_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_fragment_program_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_fragment_program_binding_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_fragment_program_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_fragment_program_parameter_buffer_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_fragment_shader [Glcaml] |
gl_fragment_shader_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_fragment_shader_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_fragment_shader_derivative_hint [Glcaml] |
gl_fragment_shader_derivative_hint_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_framebuffer_attachment_layered_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_framebuffer_attachment_object_name_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_framebuffer_attachment_object_type_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_framebuffer_attachment_texture_3d_zoffset_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_framebuffer_attachment_texture_cube_map_face_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_framebuffer_attachment_texture_layer_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_framebuffer_attachment_texture_level_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_framebuffer_binding_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_framebuffer_complete_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_framebuffer_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_framebuffer_incomplete_attachment_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_framebuffer_incomplete_dimensions_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_framebuffer_incomplete_draw_buffer_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_framebuffer_incomplete_formats_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_framebuffer_incomplete_layer_count_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_framebuffer_incomplete_layer_targets_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_framebuffer_incomplete_missing_attachment_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_framebuffer_incomplete_multisample_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_framebuffer_incomplete_read_buffer_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_framebuffer_srgb_capable_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_framebuffer_srgb_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_framebuffer_unsupported_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_front [Glcaml] |
gl_front_and_back [Glcaml] |
gl_front_face [Glcaml] |
gl_front_left [Glcaml] |
gl_front_right [Glcaml] |
gl_full_range_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_full_stipple_hint_pgi [Glcaml] |
gl_func_add [Glcaml] |
gl_func_add_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_func_reverse_subtract [Glcaml] |
gl_func_reverse_subtract_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_func_subtract [Glcaml] |
gl_func_subtract_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_generate_mipmap [Glcaml] |
gl_generate_mipmap_hint [Glcaml] |
gl_generate_mipmap_hint_sgis [Glcaml] |
gl_generate_mipmap_sgis [Glcaml] |
gl_generic_attrib_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_geometry_input_type_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_geometry_output_type_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_geometry_program_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_geometry_program_parameter_buffer_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_geometry_shader_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_geometry_vertices_out_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_gequal [Glcaml] |
gl_global_alpha_factor_sun [Glcaml] |
gl_global_alpha_sun [Glcaml] |
gl_greater [Glcaml] |
gl_green [Glcaml] |
gl_green_bias [Glcaml] |
gl_green_bit_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_green_bits [Glcaml] |
gl_green_integer_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_green_max_clamp_ingr [Glcaml] |
gl_green_min_clamp_ingr [Glcaml] |
gl_green_scale [Glcaml] |
gl_half_apple [Glcaml] |
gl_half_bias_negate_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_half_bias_normal_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_half_bit_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_half_float_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_half_float_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_hi_bias_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_hi_scale_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_hilo16_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_hilo8_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_hilo_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_hint_bit [Glcaml] |
gl_histogram [Glcaml] |
gl_histogram_alpha_size [Glcaml] |
gl_histogram_alpha_size_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_histogram_blue_size [Glcaml] |
gl_histogram_blue_size_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_histogram_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_histogram_format [Glcaml] |
gl_histogram_format_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_histogram_green_size [Glcaml] |
gl_histogram_green_size_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_histogram_luminance_size [Glcaml] |
gl_histogram_luminance_size_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_histogram_red_size [Glcaml] |
gl_histogram_red_size_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_histogram_sink [Glcaml] |
gl_histogram_sink_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_histogram_width [Glcaml] |
gl_histogram_width_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_identity_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_ignore_border [Glcaml] |
gl_implementation_color_read_format_oes [Glcaml] |
gl_implementation_color_read_type_oes [Glcaml] |
gl_incr [Glcaml] |
gl_incr_wrap [Glcaml] |
gl_incr_wrap_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_index_array [Glcaml] |
gl_index_array_buffer_binding [Glcaml] |
gl_index_array_buffer_binding_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_index_array_count_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_index_array_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_index_array_list_ibm [Glcaml] |
gl_index_array_list_stride_ibm [Glcaml] |
gl_index_array_pointer [Glcaml] |
gl_index_array_pointer_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_index_array_stride [Glcaml] |
gl_index_array_stride_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_index_array_type [Glcaml] |
gl_index_array_type_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_index_bit_pgi [Glcaml] |
gl_index_bits [Glcaml] |
gl_index_clear_value [Glcaml] |
gl_index_logic_op [Glcaml] |
gl_index_mode [Glcaml] |
gl_index_offset [Glcaml] |
gl_index_shift [Glcaml] |
gl_index_writemask [Glcaml] |
gl_info_log_length [Glcaml] |
gl_int [Glcaml] |
gl_int_sampler_1d_array_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_int_sampler_1d_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_int_sampler_2d_array_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_int_sampler_2d_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_int_sampler_2d_rect_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_int_sampler_3d_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_int_sampler_buffer_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_int_sampler_cube_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_int_vec2 [Glcaml] |
gl_int_vec2_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_int_vec3 [Glcaml] |
gl_int_vec3_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_int_vec4 [Glcaml] |
gl_int_vec4_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_intensity [Glcaml] |
gl_intensity12 [Glcaml] |
gl_intensity12_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_intensity16 [Glcaml] |
gl_intensity16_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_intensity16_extended_range_sgix [Glcaml] |
gl_intensity16_signed_sgix [Glcaml] |
gl_intensity16f_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_intensity16i_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_intensity16ui_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_intensity32f_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_intensity32i_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_intensity32ui_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_intensity4 [Glcaml] |
gl_intensity4_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_intensity8 [Glcaml] |
gl_intensity8_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_intensity8i_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_intensity8ui_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_intensity_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_intensity_extended_range_sgix [Glcaml] |
gl_intensity_float16_apple [Glcaml] |
gl_intensity_float16_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_intensity_float32_apple [Glcaml] |
gl_intensity_float32_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_intensity_signed_sgix [Glcaml] |
gl_interlace_oml [Glcaml] |
gl_interlace_read_ingr [Glcaml] |
gl_interlace_read_oml [Glcaml] |
gl_interlace_sgix [Glcaml] |
gl_interleaved_attribs_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_interpolate [Glcaml] |
gl_interpolate_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_interpolate_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_invalid_enum [Glcaml] |
gl_invalid_framebuffer_operation_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_invalid_operation [Glcaml] |
gl_invalid_value [Glcaml] |
gl_invariant_datatype_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_invariant_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_invariant_value_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_inverse_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_inverse_transpose_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_invert [Glcaml] |
gl_inverted_screen_w_rend [Glcaml] |
gl_keep [Glcaml] |
gl_ktx_back_region [Glcaml] |
gl_ktx_front_region [Glcaml] |
gl_ktx_stencil_region [Glcaml] |
gl_ktx_z_region [Glcaml] |
gl_left [Glcaml] |
gl_lequal [Glcaml] |
gl_lerp_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_less [Glcaml] |
gl_light0 [Glcaml] |
gl_light1 [Glcaml] |
gl_light2 [Glcaml] |
gl_light3 [Glcaml] |
gl_light4 [Glcaml] |
gl_light5 [Glcaml] |
gl_light6 [Glcaml] |
gl_light7 [Glcaml] |
gl_light_env_mode_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_light_model_ambient [Glcaml] |
gl_light_model_color_control [Glcaml] |
gl_light_model_color_control_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_light_model_local_viewer [Glcaml] |
gl_light_model_specular_vector_apple [Glcaml] |
gl_light_model_two_side [Glcaml] |
gl_lighting [Glcaml] |
gl_lighting_bit [Glcaml] |
gl_line [Glcaml] |
gl_line_bit [Glcaml] |
gl_line_loop [Glcaml] |
gl_line_reset_token [Glcaml] |
gl_line_smooth [Glcaml] |
gl_line_smooth_hint [Glcaml] |
gl_line_stipple [Glcaml] |
gl_line_stipple_pattern [Glcaml] |
gl_line_stipple_repeat [Glcaml] |
gl_line_strip [Glcaml] |
gl_line_strip_adjacency_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_line_token [Glcaml] |
gl_line_width [Glcaml] |
gl_line_width_granularity [Glcaml] |
gl_line_width_range [Glcaml] |
gl_linear [Glcaml] |
gl_linear_attenuation [Glcaml] |
gl_linear_mipmap_linear [Glcaml] |
gl_linear_mipmap_nearest [Glcaml] |
gl_lines [Glcaml] |
gl_lines_adjacency_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_link_status [Glcaml] |
gl_list_base [Glcaml] |
gl_list_bit [Glcaml] |
gl_list_index [Glcaml] |
gl_list_mode [Glcaml] |
gl_lo_bias_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_lo_scale_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_load [Glcaml] |
gl_local_constant_datatype_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_local_constant_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_local_constant_value_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_local_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_logic_op [Glcaml] |
gl_logic_op_mode [Glcaml] |
gl_lower_left [Glcaml] |
gl_luminance [Glcaml] |
gl_luminance12 [Glcaml] |
gl_luminance12_alpha12 [Glcaml] |
gl_luminance12_alpha12_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_luminance12_alpha4 [Glcaml] |
gl_luminance12_alpha4_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_luminance12_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_luminance16 [Glcaml] |
gl_luminance16_alpha16 [Glcaml] |
gl_luminance16_alpha16_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_luminance16_alpha16_extended_range_sgix [Glcaml] |
gl_luminance16_alpha16_signed_sgix [Glcaml] |
gl_luminance16_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_luminance16_extended_range_sgix [Glcaml] |
gl_luminance16_signed_sgix [Glcaml] |
gl_luminance16f_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_luminance16i_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_luminance16ui_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_luminance32f_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_luminance32i_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_luminance32ui_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_luminance4 [Glcaml] |
gl_luminance4_alpha4 [Glcaml] |
gl_luminance4_alpha4_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_luminance4_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_luminance6_alpha2 [Glcaml] |
gl_luminance6_alpha2_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_luminance8 [Glcaml] |
gl_luminance8_alpha8 [Glcaml] |
gl_luminance8_alpha8_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_luminance8_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_luminance8i_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_luminance8ui_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_luminance_alpha [Glcaml] |
gl_luminance_alpha16f_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_luminance_alpha16i_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_luminance_alpha16ui_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_luminance_alpha32f_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_luminance_alpha32i_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_luminance_alpha32ui_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_luminance_alpha8i_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_luminance_alpha8ui_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_luminance_alpha_extended_range_sgix [Glcaml] |
gl_luminance_alpha_float16_apple [Glcaml] |
gl_luminance_alpha_float16_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_luminance_alpha_float32_apple [Glcaml] |
gl_luminance_alpha_float32_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_luminance_alpha_integer_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_luminance_alpha_signed_sgix [Glcaml] |
gl_luminance_extended_range_sgix [Glcaml] |
gl_luminance_float16_apple [Glcaml] |
gl_luminance_float16_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_luminance_float32_apple [Glcaml] |
gl_luminance_float32_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_luminance_integer_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_luminance_signed_sgix [Glcaml] |
gl_mad_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_magnitude_bias_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_magnitude_scale_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_map1_binormal_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_map1_color_4 [Glcaml] |
gl_map1_grid_domain [Glcaml] |
gl_map1_grid_segments [Glcaml] |
gl_map1_index [Glcaml] |
gl_map1_normal [Glcaml] |
gl_map1_tangent_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_map1_texture_coord_1 [Glcaml] |
gl_map1_texture_coord_2 [Glcaml] |
gl_map1_texture_coord_3 [Glcaml] |
gl_map1_texture_coord_4 [Glcaml] |
gl_map1_vertex_3 [Glcaml] |
gl_map1_vertex_4 [Glcaml] |
gl_map1_vertex_attrib0_4_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_map1_vertex_attrib10_4_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_map1_vertex_attrib11_4_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_map1_vertex_attrib12_4_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_map1_vertex_attrib13_4_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_map1_vertex_attrib14_4_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_map1_vertex_attrib15_4_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_map1_vertex_attrib1_4_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_map1_vertex_attrib2_4_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_map1_vertex_attrib3_4_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_map1_vertex_attrib4_4_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_map1_vertex_attrib5_4_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_map1_vertex_attrib6_4_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_map1_vertex_attrib7_4_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_map1_vertex_attrib8_4_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_map1_vertex_attrib9_4_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_map2_binormal_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_map2_color_4 [Glcaml] |
gl_map2_grid_domain [Glcaml] |
gl_map2_grid_segments [Glcaml] |
gl_map2_index [Glcaml] |
gl_map2_normal [Glcaml] |
gl_map2_tangent_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_map2_texture_coord_1 [Glcaml] |
gl_map2_texture_coord_2 [Glcaml] |
gl_map2_texture_coord_3 [Glcaml] |
gl_map2_texture_coord_4 [Glcaml] |
gl_map2_vertex_3 [Glcaml] |
gl_map2_vertex_4 [Glcaml] |
gl_map2_vertex_attrib0_4_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_map2_vertex_attrib10_4_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_map2_vertex_attrib11_4_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_map2_vertex_attrib12_4_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_map2_vertex_attrib13_4_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_map2_vertex_attrib14_4_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_map2_vertex_attrib15_4_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_map2_vertex_attrib1_4_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_map2_vertex_attrib2_4_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_map2_vertex_attrib3_4_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_map2_vertex_attrib4_4_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_map2_vertex_attrib5_4_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_map2_vertex_attrib6_4_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_map2_vertex_attrib7_4_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_map2_vertex_attrib8_4_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_map2_vertex_attrib9_4_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_map_attrib_u_order_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_map_attrib_v_order_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_map_color [Glcaml] |
gl_map_stencil [Glcaml] |
gl_map_tessellation_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_mat_ambient_and_diffuse_bit_pgi [Glcaml] |
gl_mat_ambient_bit_pgi [Glcaml] |
gl_mat_color_indexes_bit_pgi [Glcaml] |
gl_mat_diffuse_bit_pgi [Glcaml] |
gl_mat_emission_bit_pgi [Glcaml] |
gl_mat_shininess_bit_pgi [Glcaml] |
gl_mat_specular_bit_pgi [Glcaml] |
gl_material_side_hint_pgi [Glcaml] |
gl_matrix0_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_matrix0_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_matrix10_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_matrix11_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_matrix12_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_matrix13_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_matrix14_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_matrix15_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_matrix16_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_matrix17_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_matrix18_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_matrix19_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_matrix1_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_matrix1_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_matrix20_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_matrix21_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_matrix22_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_matrix23_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_matrix24_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_matrix25_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_matrix26_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_matrix27_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_matrix28_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_matrix29_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_matrix2_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_matrix2_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_matrix30_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_matrix31_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_matrix3_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_matrix3_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_matrix4_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_matrix4_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_matrix5_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_matrix5_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_matrix6_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_matrix6_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_matrix7_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_matrix7_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_matrix8_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_matrix9_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_matrix_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_matrix_index_array_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_matrix_index_array_pointer_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_matrix_index_array_size_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_matrix_index_array_stride_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_matrix_index_array_type_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_matrix_mode [Glcaml] |
gl_matrix_palette_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_max [Glcaml] |
gl_max_3d_texture_size [Glcaml] |
gl_max_3d_texture_size_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_max_active_lights_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_max_alpha_sgis [Glcaml] |
gl_max_array_texture_layers_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_max_async_draw_pixels_sgix [Glcaml] |
gl_max_async_histogram_sgix [Glcaml] |
gl_max_async_read_pixels_sgix [Glcaml] |
gl_max_async_tex_image_sgix [Glcaml] |
gl_max_attrib_stack_depth [Glcaml] |
gl_max_bindable_uniform_size_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_max_blue_sgis [Glcaml] |
gl_max_client_attrib_stack_depth [Glcaml] |
gl_max_clip_planes [Glcaml] |
gl_max_color_attachments_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_max_color_matrix_stack_depth [Glcaml] |
gl_max_color_matrix_stack_depth_sgi [Glcaml] |
gl_max_combined_texture_image_units [Glcaml] |
gl_max_combined_texture_image_units_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_max_convolution_height [Glcaml] |
gl_max_convolution_height_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_max_convolution_width [Glcaml] |
gl_max_convolution_width_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_max_cube_map_texture_size [Glcaml] |
gl_max_cube_map_texture_size_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_max_cube_map_texture_size_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_max_draw_buffers [Glcaml] |
gl_max_draw_buffers_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_max_draw_buffers_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_max_elements_indices [Glcaml] |
gl_max_elements_vertices [Glcaml] |
gl_max_eval_order [Glcaml] |
gl_max_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_max_fragment_bindable_uniforms_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_max_fragment_lights_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_max_fragment_program_local_parameters_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_max_fragment_uniform_components [Glcaml] |
gl_max_fragment_uniform_components_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_max_general_combiners_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_max_geometry_bindable_uniforms_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_max_geometry_output_vertices_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_max_geometry_texture_image_units_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_max_geometry_total_output_components_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_max_geometry_uniform_components_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_max_geometry_varying_components_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_max_green_sgis [Glcaml] |
gl_max_intensity_sgis [Glcaml] |
gl_max_lights [Glcaml] |
gl_max_list_nesting [Glcaml] |
gl_max_luminance_sgis [Glcaml] |
gl_max_map_tessellation_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_max_matrix_palette_stack_depth_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_max_modelview_stack_depth [Glcaml] |
gl_max_multisample_coverage_modes_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_max_name_stack_depth [Glcaml] |
gl_max_optimized_vertex_shader_instructions_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_max_optimized_vertex_shader_invariants_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_max_optimized_vertex_shader_local_constants_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_max_optimized_vertex_shader_locals_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_max_optimized_vertex_shader_variants_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_max_palette_matrices_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_max_pixel_map_table [Glcaml] |
gl_max_pixel_transform_2d_stack_depth_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_max_pn_triangles_tesselation_level_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_max_program_address_registers_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_max_program_alu_instructions_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_max_program_attrib_components_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_max_program_attribs_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_max_program_call_depth_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_max_program_env_parameters_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_max_program_exec_instructions_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_max_program_generic_attribs_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_max_program_generic_results_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_max_program_if_depth_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_max_program_instructions_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_max_program_local_parameters_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_max_program_loop_count_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_max_program_loop_depth_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_max_program_matrices_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_max_program_matrix_stack_depth_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_max_program_native_address_registers_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_max_program_native_alu_instructions_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_max_program_native_attribs_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_max_program_native_instructions_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_max_program_native_parameters_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_max_program_native_temporaries_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_max_program_native_tex_indirections_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_max_program_native_tex_instructions_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_max_program_output_vertices_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_max_program_parameter_buffer_bindings_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_max_program_parameter_buffer_size_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_max_program_parameters_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_max_program_result_components_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_max_program_temporaries_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_max_program_tex_indirections_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_max_program_tex_instructions_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_max_program_texel_offset_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_max_program_total_output_components_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_max_projection_stack_depth [Glcaml] |
gl_max_rational_eval_order_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_max_rectangle_texture_size_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_max_rectangle_texture_size_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_max_rectangle_texture_size_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_max_red_sgis [Glcaml] |
gl_max_renderbuffer_size_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_max_samples_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_max_shininess_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_max_spot_exponent_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_max_texture_buffer_size_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_max_texture_coords [Glcaml] |
gl_max_texture_coords_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_max_texture_coords_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_max_texture_image_units [Glcaml] |
gl_max_texture_image_units_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_max_texture_image_units_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_max_texture_lod_bias [Glcaml] |
gl_max_texture_lod_bias_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_max_texture_max_anisotropy_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_max_texture_size [Glcaml] |
gl_max_texture_stack_depth [Glcaml] |
gl_max_texture_units [Glcaml] |
gl_max_texture_units_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_max_track_matrices_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_max_track_matrix_stack_depth_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_max_transform_feedback_interleaved_components_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_max_transform_feedback_separate_attribs_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_max_transform_feedback_separate_components_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_max_varying_components_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_max_varying_floats [Glcaml] |
gl_max_varying_floats_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_max_vertex_array_range_element_apple [Glcaml] |
gl_max_vertex_array_range_element_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_max_vertex_attribs [Glcaml] |
gl_max_vertex_attribs_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_max_vertex_bindable_uniforms_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_max_vertex_hint_pgi [Glcaml] |
gl_max_vertex_shader_instructions_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_max_vertex_shader_invariants_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_max_vertex_shader_local_constants_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_max_vertex_shader_locals_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_max_vertex_shader_variants_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_max_vertex_streams_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_max_vertex_texture_image_units [Glcaml] |
gl_max_vertex_texture_image_units_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_max_vertex_uniform_components [Glcaml] |
gl_max_vertex_uniform_components_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_max_vertex_units_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_max_vertex_varying_components_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_max_viewport_dims [Glcaml] |
gl_min [Glcaml] |
gl_min_alpha_sgis [Glcaml] |
gl_min_blue_sgis [Glcaml] |
gl_min_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_min_green_sgis [Glcaml] |
gl_min_intensity_sgis [Glcaml] |
gl_min_luminance_sgis [Glcaml] |
gl_min_pbuffer_viewport_dims_apple [Glcaml] |
gl_min_program_texel_offset_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_min_red_sgis [Glcaml] |
gl_minmax [Glcaml] |
gl_minmax_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_minmax_format [Glcaml] |
gl_minmax_format_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_minmax_sink [Glcaml] |
gl_minmax_sink_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_mirror_clamp_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_mirror_clamp_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_mirror_clamp_to_border_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_mirror_clamp_to_edge_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_mirror_clamp_to_edge_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_mirrored_repeat [Glcaml] |
gl_mirrored_repeat_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_mirrored_repeat_ibm [Glcaml] |
gl_modelview [Glcaml] |
gl_modelview0_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_modelview0_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_modelview0_matrix_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_modelview0_stack_depth_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_modelview10_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_modelview11_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_modelview12_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_modelview13_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_modelview14_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_modelview15_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_modelview16_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_modelview17_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_modelview18_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_modelview19_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_modelview1_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_modelview1_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_modelview1_matrix_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_modelview1_stack_depth_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_modelview20_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_modelview21_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_modelview22_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_modelview23_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_modelview24_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_modelview25_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_modelview26_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_modelview27_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_modelview28_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_modelview29_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_modelview2_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_modelview30_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_modelview31_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_modelview3_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_modelview4_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_modelview5_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_modelview6_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_modelview7_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_modelview8_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_modelview9_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_modelview_matrix [Glcaml] |
gl_modelview_projection_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_modelview_stack_depth [Glcaml] |
gl_modulate [Glcaml] |
gl_modulate_add_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_modulate_add_atix [Glcaml] |
gl_modulate_signed_add_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_modulate_signed_add_atix [Glcaml] |
gl_modulate_subtract_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_modulate_subtract_atix [Glcaml] |
gl_mov_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_mul_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_mult [Glcaml] |
gl_multisample [Glcaml] |
gl_multisample_3dfx [Glcaml] |
gl_multisample_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_multisample_bit [Glcaml] |
gl_multisample_bit_3dfx [Glcaml] |
gl_multisample_bit_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_multisample_bit_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_multisample_coverage_modes_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_multisample_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_multisample_filter_hint_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_multisample_sgis [Glcaml] |
gl_mvp_matrix_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_n3f_v3f [Glcaml] |
gl_name_stack_depth [Glcaml] |
gl_nand [Glcaml] |
gl_native_graphics_begin_hint_pgi [Glcaml] |
gl_native_graphics_end_hint_pgi [Glcaml] |
gl_native_graphics_handle_pgi [Glcaml] |
gl_nearest [Glcaml] |
gl_nearest_mipmap_linear [Glcaml] |
gl_nearest_mipmap_nearest [Glcaml] |
gl_negate_bit_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_negative_one_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_negative_w_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_negative_x_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_negative_y_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_negative_z_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_never [Glcaml] |
gl_nicest [Glcaml] |
gl_no_error [Glcaml] |
gl_none [Glcaml] |
gl_noop [Glcaml] |
gl_nor [Glcaml] |
gl_normal_array [Glcaml] |
gl_normal_array_buffer_binding [Glcaml] |
gl_normal_array_buffer_binding_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_normal_array_count_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_normal_array_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_normal_array_list_ibm [Glcaml] |
gl_normal_array_list_stride_ibm [Glcaml] |
gl_normal_array_parallel_pointers_intel [Glcaml] |
gl_normal_array_pointer [Glcaml] |
gl_normal_array_pointer_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_normal_array_stride [Glcaml] |
gl_normal_array_stride_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_normal_array_type [Glcaml] |
gl_normal_array_type_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_normal_bit_pgi [Glcaml] |
gl_normal_map [Glcaml] |
gl_normal_map_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_normal_map_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_normal_map_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_normalize [Glcaml] |
gl_normalized_range_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_notequal [Glcaml] |
gl_num_compressed_texture_formats [Glcaml] |
gl_num_compressed_texture_formats_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_num_fragment_constants_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_num_fragment_registers_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_num_general_combiners_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_num_input_interpolator_components_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_num_instructions_per_pass_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_num_instructions_total_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_num_loopback_components_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_num_passes_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_object_active_attribute_max_length_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_object_active_attributes_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_object_active_uniform_max_length_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_object_active_uniforms_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_object_attached_objects_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_object_buffer_size_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_object_buffer_usage_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_object_compile_status_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_object_delete_status_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_object_info_log_length_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_object_linear [Glcaml] |
gl_object_link_status_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_object_plane [Glcaml] |
gl_object_shader_source_length_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_object_subtype_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_object_type_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_object_validate_status_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_occlusion_test_hp [Glcaml] |
gl_occlusion_test_result_hp [Glcaml] |
gl_offset_hilo_projective_texture_2d_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_offset_hilo_projective_texture_rectangle_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_offset_hilo_texture_2d_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_offset_hilo_texture_rectangle_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_offset_projective_texture_2d_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_offset_projective_texture_2d_scale_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_offset_projective_texture_rectangle_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_offset_projective_texture_rectangle_scale_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_offset_texture_2d_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_offset_texture_bias_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_offset_texture_matrix_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_offset_texture_rectangle_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_offset_texture_rectangle_scale_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_offset_texture_scale_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_one [Glcaml] |
gl_one_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_one_minus_constant_alpha [Glcaml] |
gl_one_minus_constant_alpha_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_one_minus_constant_color [Glcaml] |
gl_one_minus_constant_color_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_one_minus_dst_alpha [Glcaml] |
gl_one_minus_dst_color [Glcaml] |
gl_one_minus_src_alpha [Glcaml] |
gl_one_minus_src_color [Glcaml] |
gl_op_add_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_op_clamp_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_op_cross_product_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_op_dot3_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_op_dot4_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_op_exp_base_2_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_op_floor_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_op_frac_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_op_index_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_op_log_base_2_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_op_madd_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_op_max_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_op_min_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_op_mov_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_op_mul_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_op_multiply_matrix_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_op_negate_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_op_power_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_op_recip_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_op_recip_sqrt_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_op_round_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_op_set_ge_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_op_set_lt_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_op_sub_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_operand0_alpha [Glcaml] |
gl_operand0_alpha_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_operand0_alpha_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_operand0_rgb [Glcaml] |
gl_operand0_rgb_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_operand0_rgb_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_operand1_alpha [Glcaml] |
gl_operand1_alpha_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_operand1_alpha_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_operand1_rgb [Glcaml] |
gl_operand1_rgb_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_operand1_rgb_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_operand2_alpha [Glcaml] |
gl_operand2_alpha_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_operand2_alpha_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_operand2_rgb [Glcaml] |
gl_operand2_rgb_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_operand2_rgb_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_operand3_alpha_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_operand3_rgb_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_or [Glcaml] |
gl_or_inverted [Glcaml] |
gl_or_reverse [Glcaml] |
gl_order [Glcaml] |
gl_out_of_memory [Glcaml] |
gl_output_color0_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_output_color1_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_output_fog_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_output_point_size_atix [Glcaml] |
gl_output_texture_coord0_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_output_texture_coord10_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_output_texture_coord11_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_output_texture_coord12_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_output_texture_coord13_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_output_texture_coord14_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_output_texture_coord15_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_output_texture_coord16_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_output_texture_coord17_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_output_texture_coord18_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_output_texture_coord19_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_output_texture_coord1_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_output_texture_coord20_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_output_texture_coord21_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_output_texture_coord22_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_output_texture_coord23_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_output_texture_coord24_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_output_texture_coord25_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_output_texture_coord26_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_output_texture_coord27_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_output_texture_coord28_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_output_texture_coord29_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_output_texture_coord2_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_output_texture_coord30_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_output_texture_coord31_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_output_texture_coord3_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_output_texture_coord4_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_output_texture_coord5_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_output_texture_coord6_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_output_texture_coord7_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_output_texture_coord8_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_output_texture_coord9_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_output_vertex_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_pack_alignment [Glcaml] |
gl_pack_cmyk_hint_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_pack_image_height [Glcaml] |
gl_pack_image_height_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_pack_invert_mesa [Glcaml] |
gl_pack_lsb_first [Glcaml] |
gl_pack_resample_oml [Glcaml] |
gl_pack_resample_sgix [Glcaml] |
gl_pack_row_length [Glcaml] |
gl_pack_skip_images [Glcaml] |
gl_pack_skip_images_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_pack_skip_pixels [Glcaml] |
gl_pack_skip_rows [Glcaml] |
gl_pack_swap_bytes [Glcaml] |
gl_palette4_r5_g6_b5_oes [Glcaml] |
gl_palette4_rgb5_a1_oes [Glcaml] |
gl_palette4_rgb8_oes [Glcaml] |
gl_palette4_rgba4_oes [Glcaml] |
gl_palette4_rgba8_oes [Glcaml] |
gl_palette8_r5_g6_b5_oes [Glcaml] |
gl_palette8_rgb5_a1_oes [Glcaml] |
gl_palette8_rgb8_oes [Glcaml] |
gl_palette8_rgba4_oes [Glcaml] |
gl_palette8_rgba8_oes [Glcaml] |
gl_parallel_arrays_intel [Glcaml] |
gl_pass_through_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_pass_through_token [Glcaml] |
gl_per_stage_constants_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_perspective_correction_hint [Glcaml] |
gl_perturb_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_phong_hint_win [Glcaml] |
gl_phong_win [Glcaml] |
gl_pixel_count_available_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_pixel_count_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_pixel_counter_bits_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_pixel_cubic_weight_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_pixel_mag_filter_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_pixel_map_a_to_a [Glcaml] |
gl_pixel_map_a_to_a_size [Glcaml] |
gl_pixel_map_b_to_b [Glcaml] |
gl_pixel_map_b_to_b_size [Glcaml] |
gl_pixel_map_g_to_g [Glcaml] |
gl_pixel_map_g_to_g_size [Glcaml] |
gl_pixel_map_i_to_a [Glcaml] |
gl_pixel_map_i_to_a_size [Glcaml] |
gl_pixel_map_i_to_b [Glcaml] |
gl_pixel_map_i_to_b_size [Glcaml] |
gl_pixel_map_i_to_g [Glcaml] |
gl_pixel_map_i_to_g_size [Glcaml] |
gl_pixel_map_i_to_i [Glcaml] |
gl_pixel_map_i_to_i_size [Glcaml] |
gl_pixel_map_i_to_r [Glcaml] |
gl_pixel_map_i_to_r_size [Glcaml] |
gl_pixel_map_r_to_r [Glcaml] |
gl_pixel_map_r_to_r_size [Glcaml] |
gl_pixel_map_s_to_s [Glcaml] |
gl_pixel_map_s_to_s_size [Glcaml] |
gl_pixel_min_filter_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_pixel_mode_bit [Glcaml] |
gl_pixel_pack_buffer [Glcaml] |
gl_pixel_pack_buffer_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_pixel_pack_buffer_binding [Glcaml] |
gl_pixel_pack_buffer_binding_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_pixel_pack_buffer_binding_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_pixel_pack_buffer_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_pixel_transform_2d_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_pixel_transform_2d_matrix_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_pixel_transform_2d_stack_depth_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_pixel_unpack_buffer [Glcaml] |
gl_pixel_unpack_buffer_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_pixel_unpack_buffer_binding [Glcaml] |
gl_pixel_unpack_buffer_binding_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_pixel_unpack_buffer_binding_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_pixel_unpack_buffer_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_pn_triangles_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_pn_triangles_normal_mode_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_pn_triangles_normal_mode_linear_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_pn_triangles_normal_mode_quadratic_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_pn_triangles_point_mode_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_pn_triangles_point_mode_cubic_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_pn_triangles_point_mode_linear_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_pn_triangles_tesselation_level_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_point [Glcaml] |
gl_point_bit [Glcaml] |
gl_point_distance_attenuation [Glcaml] |
gl_point_distance_attenuation_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_point_fade_threshold_size [Glcaml] |
gl_point_fade_threshold_size_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_point_fade_threshold_size_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_point_size [Glcaml] |
gl_point_size_granularity [Glcaml] |
gl_point_size_max [Glcaml] |
gl_point_size_max_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_point_size_max_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_point_size_min [Glcaml] |
gl_point_size_min_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_point_size_min_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_point_size_range [Glcaml] |
gl_point_smooth [Glcaml] |
gl_point_smooth_hint [Glcaml] |
gl_point_sprite [Glcaml] |
gl_point_sprite_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_point_sprite_coord_origin [Glcaml] |
gl_point_sprite_cull_center_atix [Glcaml] |
gl_point_sprite_cull_clip_atix [Glcaml] |
gl_point_sprite_cull_mode_atix [Glcaml] |
gl_point_sprite_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_point_sprite_r_mode_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_point_token [Glcaml] |
gl_points [Glcaml] |
gl_polygon [Glcaml] |
gl_polygon_bit [Glcaml] |
gl_polygon_mode [Glcaml] |
gl_polygon_offset_bias_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_polygon_offset_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_polygon_offset_factor [Glcaml] |
gl_polygon_offset_factor_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_polygon_offset_fill [Glcaml] |
gl_polygon_offset_line [Glcaml] |
gl_polygon_offset_point [Glcaml] |
gl_polygon_offset_units [Glcaml] |
gl_polygon_smooth [Glcaml] |
gl_polygon_smooth_hint [Glcaml] |
gl_polygon_stipple [Glcaml] |
gl_polygon_stipple_bit [Glcaml] |
gl_polygon_token [Glcaml] |
gl_position [Glcaml] |
gl_post_color_matrix_alpha_bias [Glcaml] |
gl_post_color_matrix_alpha_bias_sgi [Glcaml] |
gl_post_color_matrix_alpha_scale [Glcaml] |
gl_post_color_matrix_alpha_scale_sgi [Glcaml] |
gl_post_color_matrix_blue_bias [Glcaml] |
gl_post_color_matrix_blue_bias_sgi [Glcaml] |
gl_post_color_matrix_blue_scale [Glcaml] |
gl_post_color_matrix_blue_scale_sgi [Glcaml] |
gl_post_color_matrix_color_table [Glcaml] |
gl_post_color_matrix_color_table_sgi [Glcaml] |
gl_post_color_matrix_green_bias [Glcaml] |
gl_post_color_matrix_green_bias_sgi [Glcaml] |
gl_post_color_matrix_green_scale [Glcaml] |
gl_post_color_matrix_green_scale_sgi [Glcaml] |
gl_post_color_matrix_red_bias [Glcaml] |
gl_post_color_matrix_red_bias_sgi [Glcaml] |
gl_post_color_matrix_red_scale [Glcaml] |
gl_post_color_matrix_red_scale_sgi [Glcaml] |
gl_post_convolution_alpha_bias [Glcaml] |
gl_post_convolution_alpha_bias_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_post_convolution_alpha_scale [Glcaml] |
gl_post_convolution_alpha_scale_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_post_convolution_blue_bias [Glcaml] |
gl_post_convolution_blue_bias_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_post_convolution_blue_scale [Glcaml] |
gl_post_convolution_blue_scale_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_post_convolution_color_table [Glcaml] |
gl_post_convolution_color_table_sgi [Glcaml] |
gl_post_convolution_green_bias [Glcaml] |
gl_post_convolution_green_bias_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_post_convolution_green_scale [Glcaml] |
gl_post_convolution_green_scale_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_post_convolution_red_bias [Glcaml] |
gl_post_convolution_red_bias_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_post_convolution_red_scale [Glcaml] |
gl_post_convolution_red_scale_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_post_texture_filter_bias_range_sgix [Glcaml] |
gl_post_texture_filter_bias_sgix [Glcaml] |
gl_post_texture_filter_scale_range_sgix [Glcaml] |
gl_post_texture_filter_scale_sgix [Glcaml] |
gl_prefer_doublebuffer_hint_pgi [Glcaml] |
gl_preserve_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_previous [Glcaml] |
gl_previous_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_previous_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_previous_texture_input_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_primary_color [Glcaml] |
gl_primary_color_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_primary_color_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_primary_color_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_primitive_id_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_primitive_restart_index_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_primitive_restart_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_primitives_generated_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_program_address_registers_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_program_alu_instructions_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_program_attrib_components_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_program_attribs_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_program_binding_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_program_error_position_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_program_error_position_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_program_error_string_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_program_error_string_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_program_format_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_program_format_ascii_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_program_instructions_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_program_length_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_program_length_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_program_native_address_registers_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_program_native_alu_instructions_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_program_native_attribs_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_program_native_instructions_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_program_native_parameters_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_program_native_temporaries_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_program_native_tex_indirections_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_program_native_tex_instructions_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_program_object_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_program_parameter_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_program_parameters_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_program_point_size_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_program_resident_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_program_result_components_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_program_string_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_program_string_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_program_target_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_program_temporaries_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_program_tex_indirections_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_program_tex_instructions_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_program_under_native_limits_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_projection [Glcaml] |
gl_projection_matrix [Glcaml] |
gl_projection_stack_depth [Glcaml] |
gl_proxy_color_table [Glcaml] |
gl_proxy_color_table_sgi [Glcaml] |
gl_proxy_histogram [Glcaml] |
gl_proxy_histogram_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_proxy_post_color_matrix_color_table [Glcaml] |
gl_proxy_post_color_matrix_color_table_sgi [Glcaml] |
gl_proxy_post_convolution_color_table [Glcaml] |
gl_proxy_post_convolution_color_table_sgi [Glcaml] |
gl_proxy_texture_1d [Glcaml] |
gl_proxy_texture_1d_array_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_proxy_texture_1d_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_proxy_texture_1d_stack_mesax [Glcaml] |
gl_proxy_texture_2d [Glcaml] |
gl_proxy_texture_2d_array_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_proxy_texture_2d_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_proxy_texture_2d_stack_mesax [Glcaml] |
gl_proxy_texture_3d [Glcaml] |
gl_proxy_texture_3d_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_proxy_texture_color_table_sgi [Glcaml] |
gl_proxy_texture_cube_map [Glcaml] |
gl_proxy_texture_cube_map_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_proxy_texture_cube_map_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_proxy_texture_rectangle_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_proxy_texture_rectangle_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_proxy_texture_rectangle_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_q [Glcaml] |
gl_quad_mesh_sun [Glcaml] |
gl_quad_strip [Glcaml] |
gl_quadratic_attenuation [Glcaml] |
gl_quads [Glcaml] |
gl_quarter_bit_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_query_counter_bits [Glcaml] |
gl_query_counter_bits_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_query_result [Glcaml] |
gl_query_result_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_query_result_available [Glcaml] |
gl_query_result_available_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_query_result_available_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_query_result_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_r [Glcaml] |
gl_r11f_g11f_b10f_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_r1ui_c3f_v3f_sun [Glcaml] |
gl_r1ui_c4f_n3f_v3f_sun [Glcaml] |
gl_r1ui_c4ub_v3f_sun [Glcaml] |
gl_r1ui_n3f_v3f_sun [Glcaml] |
gl_r1ui_t2f_c4f_n3f_v3f_sun [Glcaml] |
gl_r1ui_t2f_n3f_v3f_sun [Glcaml] |
gl_r1ui_t2f_v3f_sun [Glcaml] |
gl_r1ui_v3f_sun [Glcaml] |
gl_r3_g3_b2 [Glcaml] |
gl_raster_position_unclipped_ibm [Glcaml] |
gl_rasterizer_discard_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_read_buffer [Glcaml] |
gl_read_framebuffer_binding_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_read_framebuffer_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_read_only [Glcaml] |
gl_read_only_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_read_pixel_data_range_length_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_read_pixel_data_range_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_read_pixel_data_range_pointer_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_read_write [Glcaml] |
gl_read_write_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_reclaim_memory_hint_pgi [Glcaml] |
gl_red [Glcaml] |
gl_red_bias [Glcaml] |
gl_red_bit_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_red_bits [Glcaml] |
gl_red_integer_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_red_max_clamp_ingr [Glcaml] |
gl_red_min_clamp_ingr [Glcaml] |
gl_red_scale [Glcaml] |
gl_reduce [Glcaml] |
gl_reduce_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_reflection_map [Glcaml] |
gl_reflection_map_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_reflection_map_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_reflection_map_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_reg_0_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_reg_1_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_reg_2_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_reg_3_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_reg_4_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_reg_5_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_register_combiners_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_render [Glcaml] |
gl_render_mode [Glcaml] |
gl_renderbuffer_alpha_size_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_renderbuffer_binding_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_renderbuffer_blue_size_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_renderbuffer_color_samples_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_renderbuffer_coverage_samples_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_renderbuffer_depth_size_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_renderbuffer_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_renderbuffer_green_size_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_renderbuffer_height_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_renderbuffer_internal_format_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_renderbuffer_red_size_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_renderbuffer_samples_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_renderbuffer_stencil_size_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_renderbuffer_width_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_renderer [Glcaml] |
gl_repeat [Glcaml] |
gl_replace [Glcaml] |
gl_replace_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_replace_middle_sun [Glcaml] |
gl_replace_oldest_sun [Glcaml] |
gl_replacement_code_array_pointer_sun [Glcaml] |
gl_replacement_code_array_stride_sun [Glcaml] |
gl_replacement_code_array_sun [Glcaml] |
gl_replacement_code_array_type_sun [Glcaml] |
gl_replacement_code_sun [Glcaml] |
gl_replicate_border [Glcaml] |
gl_resample_average_oml [Glcaml] |
gl_resample_decimate_oml [Glcaml] |
gl_resample_decimate_sgix [Glcaml] |
gl_resample_replicate_oml [Glcaml] |
gl_resample_replicate_sgix [Glcaml] |
gl_resample_zero_fill_oml [Glcaml] |
gl_resample_zero_fill_sgix [Glcaml] |
gl_rescale_normal [Glcaml] |
gl_restart_sun [Glcaml] |
gl_return [Glcaml] |
gl_rgb [Glcaml] |
gl_rgb10 [Glcaml] |
gl_rgb10_a2 [Glcaml] |
gl_rgb10_a2_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_rgb10_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_rgb12 [Glcaml] |
gl_rgb12_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_rgb16 [Glcaml] |
gl_rgb16_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_rgb16_extended_range_sgix [Glcaml] |
gl_rgb16_signed_sgix [Glcaml] |
gl_rgb16f_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_rgb16i_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_rgb16ui_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_rgb2_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_rgb32f_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_rgb32i_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_rgb32ui_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_rgb4 [Glcaml] |
gl_rgb4_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_rgb4_s3tc [Glcaml] |
gl_rgb5 [Glcaml] |
gl_rgb5_a1 [Glcaml] |
gl_rgb5_a1_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_rgb5_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_rgb8 [Glcaml] |
gl_rgb8_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_rgb8i_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_rgb8ui_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_rgb9_e5_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_rgb_extended_range_sgix [Glcaml] |
gl_rgb_float16_apple [Glcaml] |
gl_rgb_float16_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_rgb_float32_apple [Glcaml] |
gl_rgb_float32_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_rgb_integer_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_rgb_s3tc [Glcaml] |
gl_rgb_scale [Glcaml] |
gl_rgb_scale_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_rgb_scale_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_rgb_signed_sgix [Glcaml] |
gl_rgba [Glcaml] |
gl_rgba12 [Glcaml] |
gl_rgba12_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_rgba16 [Glcaml] |
gl_rgba16_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_rgba16_extended_range_sgix [Glcaml] |
gl_rgba16_signed_sgix [Glcaml] |
gl_rgba16f_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_rgba16i_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_rgba16ui_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_rgba2 [Glcaml] |
gl_rgba2_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_rgba32f_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_rgba32i_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_rgba32ui_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_rgba4 [Glcaml] |
gl_rgba4_dxt5_s3tc [Glcaml] |
gl_rgba4_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_rgba4_s3tc [Glcaml] |
gl_rgba8 [Glcaml] |
gl_rgba8_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_rgba8i_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_rgba8ui_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_rgba_dxt5_s3tc [Glcaml] |
gl_rgba_extended_range_sgix [Glcaml] |
gl_rgba_float16_apple [Glcaml] |
gl_rgba_float16_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_rgba_float32_apple [Glcaml] |
gl_rgba_float32_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_rgba_float_mode_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_rgba_integer_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_rgba_integer_mode_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_rgba_mode [Glcaml] |
gl_rgba_s3tc [Glcaml] |
gl_rgba_signed_components_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_rgba_signed_sgix [Glcaml] |
gl_rgba_unsigned_dot_product_mapping_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_right [Glcaml] |
gl_s [Glcaml] |
gl_sample_alpha_to_coverage [Glcaml] |
gl_sample_alpha_to_coverage_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_sample_alpha_to_mask_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_sample_alpha_to_mask_sgis [Glcaml] |
gl_sample_alpha_to_one [Glcaml] |
gl_sample_alpha_to_one_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_sample_alpha_to_one_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_sample_alpha_to_one_sgis [Glcaml] |
gl_sample_buffers [Glcaml] |
gl_sample_buffers_3dfx [Glcaml] |
gl_sample_buffers_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_sample_buffers_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_sample_buffers_sgis [Glcaml] |
gl_sample_count_bits_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_sample_count_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_sample_coverage [Glcaml] |
gl_sample_coverage_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_sample_coverage_invert [Glcaml] |
gl_sample_coverage_invert_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_sample_coverage_value [Glcaml] |
gl_sample_coverage_value_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_sample_mask_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_sample_mask_invert_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_sample_mask_invert_sgis [Glcaml] |
gl_sample_mask_sgis [Glcaml] |
gl_sample_mask_value_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_sample_mask_value_sgis [Glcaml] |
gl_sample_pattern_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_sample_pattern_sgis [Glcaml] |
gl_sampler_1d [Glcaml] |
gl_sampler_1d_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_sampler_1d_array_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_sampler_1d_array_shadow_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_sampler_1d_shadow [Glcaml] |
gl_sampler_1d_shadow_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_sampler_2d [Glcaml] |
gl_sampler_2d_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_sampler_2d_array_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_sampler_2d_array_shadow_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_sampler_2d_rect_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_sampler_2d_rect_shadow_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_sampler_2d_shadow [Glcaml] |
gl_sampler_2d_shadow_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_sampler_3d [Glcaml] |
gl_sampler_3d_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_sampler_buffer_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_sampler_cube [Glcaml] |
gl_sampler_cube_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_sampler_cube_shadow_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_samples [Glcaml] |
gl_samples_3dfx [Glcaml] |
gl_samples_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_samples_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_samples_passed [Glcaml] |
gl_samples_passed_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_samples_sgis [Glcaml] |
gl_saturate_bit_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_scalar_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_scale_by_four_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_scale_by_one_half_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_scale_by_two_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_scissor_bit [Glcaml] |
gl_scissor_box [Glcaml] |
gl_scissor_test [Glcaml] |
gl_screen_coordinates_rend [Glcaml] |
gl_secondary_color_array [Glcaml] |
gl_secondary_color_array_buffer_binding [Glcaml] |
gl_secondary_color_array_buffer_binding_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_secondary_color_array_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_secondary_color_array_list_ibm [Glcaml] |
gl_secondary_color_array_list_stride_ibm [Glcaml] |
gl_secondary_color_array_pointer [Glcaml] |
gl_secondary_color_array_pointer_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_secondary_color_array_size [Glcaml] |
gl_secondary_color_array_size_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_secondary_color_array_stride [Glcaml] |
gl_secondary_color_array_stride_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_secondary_color_array_type [Glcaml] |
gl_secondary_color_array_type_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_secondary_color_atix [Glcaml] |
gl_secondary_color_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_secondary_interpolator_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_select [Glcaml] |
gl_selection_buffer_pointer [Glcaml] |
gl_selection_buffer_size [Glcaml] |
gl_separable_2d [Glcaml] |
gl_separable_2d_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_separate_attribs_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_separate_specular_color [Glcaml] |
gl_separate_specular_color_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_set [Glcaml] |
gl_shade_model [Glcaml] |
gl_shader_consistent_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_shader_object_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_shader_operation_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_shader_source_length [Glcaml] |
gl_shader_type [Glcaml] |
gl_shading_language_version [Glcaml] |
gl_shading_language_version_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_shadow_ambient_sgix [Glcaml] |
gl_shadow_attenuation_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_shared_texture_palette_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_shininess [Glcaml] |
gl_short [Glcaml] |
gl_signed_alpha8_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_signed_alpha_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_signed_hilo16_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_signed_hilo8_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_signed_hilo_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_signed_identity_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_signed_intensity8_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_signed_intensity_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_signed_luminance8_alpha8_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_signed_luminance8_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_signed_luminance_alpha_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_signed_luminance_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_signed_negate_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_signed_rgb8_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_signed_rgb8_unsigned_alpha8_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_signed_rgb_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_signed_rgb_unsigned_alpha_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_signed_rgba8_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_signed_rgba_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_single_color [Glcaml] |
gl_single_color_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_slice_accum_sun [Glcaml] |
gl_sluminance [Glcaml] |
gl_sluminance8 [Glcaml] |
gl_sluminance8_alpha8 [Glcaml] |
gl_sluminance8_alpha8_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_sluminance8_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_sluminance_alpha [Glcaml] |
gl_sluminance_alpha_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_sluminance_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_smooth [Glcaml] |
gl_smooth_line_width_granularity [Glcaml] |
gl_smooth_line_width_range [Glcaml] |
gl_smooth_point_size_granularity [Glcaml] |
gl_smooth_point_size_range [Glcaml] |
gl_source0_alpha [Glcaml] |
gl_source0_alpha_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_source0_alpha_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_source0_rgb [Glcaml] |
gl_source0_rgb_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_source0_rgb_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_source1_alpha [Glcaml] |
gl_source1_alpha_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_source1_alpha_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_source1_rgb [Glcaml] |
gl_source1_rgb_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_source1_rgb_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_source2_alpha [Glcaml] |
gl_source2_alpha_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_source2_alpha_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_source2_rgb [Glcaml] |
gl_source2_rgb_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_source2_rgb_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_source3_alpha_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_source3_rgb_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_spare0_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_spare0_plus_secondary_color_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_spare1_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_specular [Glcaml] |
gl_sphere_map [Glcaml] |
gl_spot_cutoff [Glcaml] |
gl_spot_direction [Glcaml] |
gl_spot_exponent [Glcaml] |
gl_src0_alpha [Glcaml] |
gl_src0_rgb [Glcaml] |
gl_src1_alpha [Glcaml] |
gl_src1_rgb [Glcaml] |
gl_src2_alpha [Glcaml] |
gl_src2_rgb [Glcaml] |
gl_src_alpha [Glcaml] |
gl_src_alpha_saturate [Glcaml] |
gl_src_color [Glcaml] |
gl_srgb [Glcaml] |
gl_srgb8 [Glcaml] |
gl_srgb8_alpha8 [Glcaml] |
gl_srgb8_alpha8_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_srgb8_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_srgb_alpha [Glcaml] |
gl_srgb_alpha_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_srgb_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_stack_overflow [Glcaml] |
gl_stack_underflow [Glcaml] |
gl_static_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_static_copy [Glcaml] |
gl_static_copy_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_static_draw [Glcaml] |
gl_static_draw_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_static_read [Glcaml] |
gl_static_read_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_static_vertex_array_ibm [Glcaml] |
gl_stencil [Glcaml] |
gl_stencil_attachment_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_stencil_back_fail [Glcaml] |
gl_stencil_back_fail_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_stencil_back_func [Glcaml] |
gl_stencil_back_func_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_stencil_back_pass_depth_fail [Glcaml] |
gl_stencil_back_pass_depth_fail_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_stencil_back_pass_depth_pass [Glcaml] |
gl_stencil_back_pass_depth_pass_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_stencil_back_ref [Glcaml] |
gl_stencil_back_value_mask [Glcaml] |
gl_stencil_back_writemask [Glcaml] |
gl_stencil_bits [Glcaml] |
gl_stencil_buffer_bit [Glcaml] |
gl_stencil_clear_tag_value_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_stencil_clear_value [Glcaml] |
gl_stencil_fail [Glcaml] |
gl_stencil_func [Glcaml] |
gl_stencil_index [Glcaml] |
gl_stencil_index16_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_stencil_index1_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_stencil_index4_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_stencil_index8_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_stencil_pass_depth_fail [Glcaml] |
gl_stencil_pass_depth_pass [Glcaml] |
gl_stencil_ref [Glcaml] |
gl_stencil_tag_bits_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_stencil_test [Glcaml] |
gl_stencil_test_two_side_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_stencil_value_mask [Glcaml] |
gl_stencil_writemask [Glcaml] |
gl_stereo [Glcaml] |
gl_storage_cached_apple [Glcaml] |
gl_storage_private_apple [Glcaml] |
gl_storage_shared_apple [Glcaml] |
gl_stream_copy [Glcaml] |
gl_stream_copy_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_stream_draw [Glcaml] |
gl_stream_draw_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_stream_read [Glcaml] |
gl_stream_read_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_strict_depthfunc_hint_pgi [Glcaml] |
gl_strict_lighting_hint_pgi [Glcaml] |
gl_strict_scissor_hint_pgi [Glcaml] |
gl_sub_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_subpixel_bits [Glcaml] |
gl_subtract [Glcaml] |
gl_subtract_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_swizzle_stq_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_swizzle_stq_dq_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_swizzle_str_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_swizzle_str_dr_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_swizzle_strq_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_swizzle_strq_dq_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_t [Glcaml] |
gl_t2f_c3f_v3f [Glcaml] |
gl_t2f_c4f_n3f_v3f [Glcaml] |
gl_t2f_c4ub_v3f [Glcaml] |
gl_t2f_n3f_v3f [Glcaml] |
gl_t2f_v3f [Glcaml] |
gl_t4f_c4f_n3f_v4f [Glcaml] |
gl_t4f_v4f [Glcaml] |
gl_table_too_large [Glcaml] |
gl_tangent_array_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_tangent_array_pointer_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_tangent_array_stride_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_tangent_array_type_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_texcoord1_bit_pgi [Glcaml] |
gl_texcoord2_bit_pgi [Glcaml] |
gl_texcoord3_bit_pgi [Glcaml] |
gl_text_fragment_shader_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_texture [Glcaml] |
gl_texture0 [Glcaml] |
gl_texture0_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_texture1 [Glcaml] |
gl_texture10 [Glcaml] |
gl_texture10_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_texture11 [Glcaml] |
gl_texture11_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_texture12 [Glcaml] |
gl_texture12_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_texture13 [Glcaml] |
gl_texture13_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_texture14 [Glcaml] |
gl_texture14_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_texture15 [Glcaml] |
gl_texture15_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_texture16 [Glcaml] |
gl_texture16_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_texture17 [Glcaml] |
gl_texture17_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_texture18 [Glcaml] |
gl_texture18_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_texture19 [Glcaml] |
gl_texture19_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_texture1_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_texture2 [Glcaml] |
gl_texture20 [Glcaml] |
gl_texture20_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_texture21 [Glcaml] |
gl_texture21_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_texture22 [Glcaml] |
gl_texture22_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_texture23 [Glcaml] |
gl_texture23_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_texture24 [Glcaml] |
gl_texture24_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_texture25 [Glcaml] |
gl_texture25_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_texture26 [Glcaml] |
gl_texture26_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_texture27 [Glcaml] |
gl_texture27_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_texture28 [Glcaml] |
gl_texture28_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_texture29 [Glcaml] |
gl_texture29_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_texture2_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_texture3 [Glcaml] |
gl_texture30 [Glcaml] |
gl_texture30_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_texture31 [Glcaml] |
gl_texture31_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_texture3_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_texture4 [Glcaml] |
gl_texture4_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_texture5 [Glcaml] |
gl_texture5_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_texture6 [Glcaml] |
gl_texture6_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_texture7 [Glcaml] |
gl_texture7_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_texture8 [Glcaml] |
gl_texture8_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_texture9 [Glcaml] |
gl_texture9_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_1d [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_1d_array_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_1d_binding_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_1d_stack_binding_mesax [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_1d_stack_mesax [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_2d [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_2d_array_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_2d_binding_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_2d_stack_binding_mesax [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_2d_stack_mesax [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_3d [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_3d_binding_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_3d_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_alpha_size [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_alpha_size_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_alpha_type_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_application_mode_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_base_level [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_base_level_sgis [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_binding_1d [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_binding_1d_array_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_binding_2d [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_binding_2d_array_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_binding_3d [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_binding_buffer_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_binding_cube_map [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_binding_cube_map_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_binding_cube_map_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_binding_rectangle_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_binding_rectangle_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_binding_rectangle_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_bit [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_blue_size [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_blue_size_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_blue_type_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_border [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_border_color [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_border_values_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_buffer_data_store_binding_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_buffer_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_buffer_format_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_color_table_sgi [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_compare_fail_value_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_compare_func [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_compare_func_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_compare_mode [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_compare_mode_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_compare_operator_sgix [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_compare_sgix [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_components [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_compressed [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_compressed_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_compressed_image_size [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_compressed_image_size_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_compression_hint [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_compression_hint_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_constant_data_sunx [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_coord_array [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_coord_array_buffer_binding [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_coord_array_buffer_binding_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_coord_array_count_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_coord_array_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_coord_array_list_ibm [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_coord_array_list_stride_ibm [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_coord_array_parallel_pointers_intel [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_coord_array_pointer [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_coord_array_pointer_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_coord_array_size [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_coord_array_size_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_coord_array_stride [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_coord_array_stride_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_coord_array_type [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_coord_array_type_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_coord_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_cube_map [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_cube_map_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_cube_map_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_cube_map_negative_x [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_cube_map_negative_x_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_cube_map_negative_x_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_cube_map_negative_y [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_cube_map_negative_y_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_cube_map_negative_y_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_cube_map_negative_z [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_cube_map_negative_z_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_cube_map_negative_z_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_cube_map_positive_x [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_cube_map_positive_x_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_cube_map_positive_x_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_cube_map_positive_y [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_cube_map_positive_y_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_cube_map_positive_y_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_cube_map_positive_z [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_cube_map_positive_z_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_cube_map_positive_z_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_depth [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_depth_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_depth_size [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_depth_size_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_depth_type_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_ds_size_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_dt_size_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_env [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_env0_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_env_color [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_env_mode [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_env_mode_alpha_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_env_shift_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_filter_control [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_filter_control_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_float_components_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_fog_sgix [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_gen_mode [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_gen_q [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_gen_r [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_gen_s [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_gen_t [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_gequal_r_sgix [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_green_size [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_green_size_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_green_type_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_height [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_hi_size_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_index_size_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_intensity_size [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_intensity_size_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_intensity_type_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_internal_format [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_lequal_r_sgix [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_light_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_lo_size_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_lod_bias [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_lod_bias_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_luminance_size [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_luminance_size_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_luminance_type_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_mag_filter [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_mag_size_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_material_face_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_material_parameter_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_matrix [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_max_anisotropy_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_max_clamp_r_sgix [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_max_clamp_s_sgix [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_max_clamp_t_sgix [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_max_level [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_max_level_sgis [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_max_lod [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_max_lod_sgis [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_min_filter [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_min_lod [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_min_lod_sgis [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_multi_buffer_hint_sgix [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_normal_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_output_alpha_atix [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_output_rgb_atix [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_point_mode_atix [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_point_one_coord_atix [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_point_sprite_atix [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_priority [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_priority_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_range_length_apple [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_range_pointer_apple [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_rectangle_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_rectangle_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_rectangle_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_red_size [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_red_size_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_red_type_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_resident [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_resident_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_shader_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_shared_size_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_stack_depth [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_stencil_size_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_storage_hint_apple [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_unsigned_remap_mode_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_width [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_wrap_r [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_wrap_r_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_wrap_s [Glcaml] |
gl_texture_wrap_t [Glcaml] |
gl_track_matrix_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_track_matrix_transform_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_transform_bit [Glcaml] |
gl_transform_feedback_attribs_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_transform_feedback_buffer_binding_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_transform_feedback_buffer_mode_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_transform_feedback_buffer_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_transform_feedback_buffer_size_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_transform_feedback_buffer_start_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_transform_feedback_primitives_written_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_transform_feedback_record_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_transform_feedback_varyings_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_transform_hint_apple [Glcaml] |
gl_transpose_color_matrix [Glcaml] |
gl_transpose_color_matrix_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_transpose_current_matrix_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_transpose_modelview_matrix [Glcaml] |
gl_transpose_modelview_matrix_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_transpose_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_transpose_projection_matrix [Glcaml] |
gl_transpose_projection_matrix_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_transpose_texture_matrix [Glcaml] |
gl_transpose_texture_matrix_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_triangle_fan [Glcaml] |
gl_triangle_list_sun [Glcaml] |
gl_triangle_mesh_sun [Glcaml] |
gl_triangle_strip [Glcaml] |
gl_triangle_strip_adjacency_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_triangles [Glcaml] |
gl_triangles_adjacency_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_true [Glcaml] |
gl_uniform_buffer_binding_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_uniform_buffer_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_unpack_alignment [Glcaml] |
gl_unpack_client_storage_apple [Glcaml] |
gl_unpack_cmyk_hint_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_unpack_constant_data_sunx [Glcaml] |
gl_unpack_image_height [Glcaml] |
gl_unpack_image_height_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_unpack_lsb_first [Glcaml] |
gl_unpack_resample_oml [Glcaml] |
gl_unpack_resample_sgix [Glcaml] |
gl_unpack_row_length [Glcaml] |
gl_unpack_skip_images [Glcaml] |
gl_unpack_skip_images_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_unpack_skip_pixels [Glcaml] |
gl_unpack_skip_rows [Glcaml] |
gl_unpack_swap_bytes [Glcaml] |
gl_unsigned_byte [Glcaml] |
gl_unsigned_byte_2_3_3_rev [Glcaml] |
gl_unsigned_byte_3_3_2 [Glcaml] |
gl_unsigned_byte_3_3_2_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_unsigned_identity_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_unsigned_int [Glcaml] |
gl_unsigned_int_10_10_10_2 [Glcaml] |
gl_unsigned_int_10_10_10_2_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_unsigned_int_10f_11f_11f_rev_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_unsigned_int_24_8_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_unsigned_int_24_8_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_unsigned_int_2_10_10_10_rev [Glcaml] |
gl_unsigned_int_5_9_9_9_rev_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_unsigned_int_8_8_8_8 [Glcaml] |
gl_unsigned_int_8_8_8_8_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_unsigned_int_8_8_8_8_rev [Glcaml] |
gl_unsigned_int_8_8_s8_s8_rev_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_unsigned_int_s8_s8_8_8_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_unsigned_int_sampler_1d_array_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_unsigned_int_sampler_1d_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_unsigned_int_sampler_2d_array_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_unsigned_int_sampler_2d_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_unsigned_int_sampler_2d_rect_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_unsigned_int_sampler_3d_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_unsigned_int_sampler_buffer_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_unsigned_int_sampler_cube_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_unsigned_int_vec2_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_unsigned_int_vec3_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_unsigned_int_vec4_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_unsigned_invert_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_unsigned_normalized_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_unsigned_short [Glcaml] |
gl_unsigned_short_1_5_5_5_rev [Glcaml] |
gl_unsigned_short_4_4_4_4 [Glcaml] |
gl_unsigned_short_4_4_4_4_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_unsigned_short_4_4_4_4_rev [Glcaml] |
gl_unsigned_short_5_5_5_1 [Glcaml] |
gl_unsigned_short_5_5_5_1_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_unsigned_short_5_6_5 [Glcaml] |
gl_unsigned_short_5_6_5_rev [Glcaml] |
gl_unsigned_short_8_8_apple [Glcaml] |
gl_unsigned_short_8_8_mesa [Glcaml] |
gl_unsigned_short_8_8_rev_apple [Glcaml] |
gl_unsigned_short_8_8_rev_mesa [Glcaml] |
gl_upper_left [Glcaml] |
gl_v2f [Glcaml] |
gl_v3f [Glcaml] |
gl_validate_status [Glcaml] |
gl_variable_a_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_variable_b_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_variable_c_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_variable_d_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_variable_e_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_variable_f_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_variable_g_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_variant_array_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_variant_array_pointer_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_variant_array_stride_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_variant_array_type_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_variant_datatype_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_variant_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_variant_value_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_vector_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_vendor [Glcaml] |
gl_version [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex23_bit_pgi [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex4_bit_pgi [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_array [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_array_binding_apple [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_array_buffer_binding [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_array_buffer_binding_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_array_count_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_array_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_array_list_ibm [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_array_list_stride_ibm [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_array_parallel_pointers_intel [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_array_pointer [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_array_pointer_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_array_range_apple [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_array_range_length_apple [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_array_range_length_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_array_range_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_array_range_pointer_apple [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_array_range_pointer_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_array_range_valid_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_array_range_without_flush_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_array_size [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_array_size_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_array_storage_hint_apple [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_array_stride [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_array_stride_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_array_type [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_array_type_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_attrib_array0_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_attrib_array10_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_attrib_array11_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_attrib_array12_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_attrib_array13_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_attrib_array14_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_attrib_array15_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_attrib_array1_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_attrib_array2_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_attrib_array3_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_attrib_array4_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_attrib_array5_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_attrib_array6_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_attrib_array7_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_attrib_array8_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_attrib_array9_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_attrib_array_buffer_binding [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_attrib_array_buffer_binding_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_attrib_array_enabled [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_attrib_array_enabled_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_attrib_array_integer_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_attrib_array_normalized [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_attrib_array_normalized_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_attrib_array_pointer [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_attrib_array_pointer_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_attrib_array_size [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_attrib_array_size_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_attrib_array_stride [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_attrib_array_stride_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_attrib_array_type [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_attrib_array_type_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_blend_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_consistent_hint_pgi [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_data_hint_pgi [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_id_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_preclip_hint_sgix [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_preclip_sgix [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_program_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_program_binding_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_program_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_program_parameter_buffer_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_program_point_size [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_program_point_size_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_program_point_size_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_program_two_side [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_program_two_side_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_program_two_side_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_shader [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_shader_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_shader_binding_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_shader_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_shader_instructions_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_shader_invariants_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_shader_local_constants_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_shader_locals_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_shader_optimized_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_shader_variants_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_source_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_state_program_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_stream0_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_stream1_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_stream2_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_stream3_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_stream4_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_stream5_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_stream6_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_stream7_ati [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_weight_array_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_weight_array_pointer_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_weight_array_size_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_weight_array_stride_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_weight_array_type_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_vertex_weighting_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_vibrance_bias_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_vibrance_scale_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_viewport [Glcaml] |
gl_viewport_bit [Glcaml] |
gl_w_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_weight_array_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_weight_array_buffer_binding [Glcaml] |
gl_weight_array_buffer_binding_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_weight_array_pointer_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_weight_array_size_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_weight_array_stride_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_weight_array_type_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_weight_sum_unity_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_wide_line_hint_pgi [Glcaml] |
gl_wrap_border [Glcaml] |
gl_wrap_border_sun [Glcaml] |
gl_write_only [Glcaml] |
gl_write_only_arb [Glcaml] |
gl_write_pixel_data_range_length_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_write_pixel_data_range_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_write_pixel_data_range_pointer_nv [Glcaml] |
gl_x_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_xor [Glcaml] |
gl_y_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_ycbcr_422_apple [Glcaml] |
gl_ycbcr_mesa [Glcaml] |
gl_z_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_zero [Glcaml] |
gl_zero_ext [Glcaml] |
gl_zoom_x [Glcaml] |
gl_zoom_y [Glcaml] |
H |
hermite [Sdl.Draw] |
I |
iconify_window [Sdl.Window] |
If the application is running in a window managed environment SDL attempts to iconify/minimise it.
init [Sdl] |
Initializes SDL.
init_opengl [Win] |
Set up Ocaml graphics window for OpenGL input.
int_of_bool [Glcaml] |
int_to_bool_array [Glcaml] |
L |
lanczos3 [Sdl.Draw] |
load_bmp [Sdl.SDLGL] |
load_bmp file -> surface
Loads a Windows Bitmap file and loads it into a surface suitable for use as an OpenGL texture
load_bmp [Sdl.Video] |
load_bmp file -> surface
Loads a surface from a named Windows BMP file.
load_tga [Sdl.Draw] |
load_tga file -> surface
Loads a TGA file and returns a surface with the image data
load_wav [Sdl.Audio] |
load_wav filename -> obtained audio_spec * wav_buffer
This function loads a WAVE file into memory.
lock_audio [Sdl.Audio] |
The lock manipulated by these functions protects the callback function.
lock_surface [Sdl.Video] |
lock_surface () sets up a surface for directly accessing the pixels.
M |
make_byte_array [Glcaml] |
make_byte_matrix [Glcaml] |
make_double_array [Glcaml] |
make_double_matrix [Glcaml] |
make_dword_array [Glcaml] |
make_dword_matrix [Glcaml] |
make_float_array [Glcaml] |
make_float_matrix [Glcaml] |
make_int_array [Glcaml] |
make_int_matrix [Glcaml] |
make_mipmaps [Sdl.Draw] |
make_mipmaps surface_bitmap scale_filter_type -> array of mipmaps down to 1x1
Makes mipmaps suitable for use in OpenGL, by generating an array of mipmaps down to 1x1.
make_sfont [Sdl.Draw] |
make_sfont Surface_containing_loaded_RGBA_texture_map_with_font_characters -> sfont
Takes a surface containing a texture-mapped font (see http://www.linux-games.com/sfont/)
and returns an sfont structure
make_short_array [Glcaml] |
make_short_matrix [Glcaml] |
make_ubyte_array [Glcaml] |
make_ubyte_matrix [Glcaml] |
make_ushort_array [Glcaml] |
make_ushort_matrix [Glcaml] |
make_word_array [Glcaml] |
make_word_matrix [Glcaml] |
map_rgb [Sdl.Video] |
map_rgb surface -> red -> green -> blue -> pixel
Maps the RGB color value to the specified pixel format and returns the pixel value as a 32-bit int.
map_rgba [Sdl.Video] |
map_rgba surface -> red -> green -> blue -> alpha -> pixel
Maps the RGBA color value to the specified pixel format and returns the pixel value as a 32-bit int.
mitchell [Sdl.Draw] |
mix_audio [Sdl.Audio] |
mix_audio buffer1 buffer2 volume
This function takes two audio buffers of len bytes each of the playing audio format and mixes them,
performing addition, volume adjustment, and overflow clipping.
mix_maxvolume [Sdl.Audio] |
The maximum sample mixer volume.
must_lock [Sdl.Video] |
True if the surface passed in should be locked, else false
O |
open_audio [Sdl.Audio] |
open_audio desired_audio_spec mixer_callback -> obtained audio_spec
This function opens the audio device with the desired parameters, and returns the obtained parameters,
placing the actual hardware parameters in the structure pointed to by obtained .
P |
pause_audio [Sdl.Audio] |
pause_audio on\off
Toggle audio playback on and off
poll_event [Sdl.Event] |
poll_event -> event
Polls for currently pending events.
pump_events [Sdl.Event] |
Pumps the event loop, gathering events from the input devices.
put_pixel [Sdl.Draw] |
put_pixel surface x y pixel
puts an int32 rgb(a) pixel, such as output of map_rgb(a) , on surface surface at location (x,y)
Q |
quit [Sdl] |
Shuts down all SDL subsystems and frees the resources allocated to them.
R |
read_tga [Sdl.Draw] |
S |
save_bmp [Sdl.Video] |
save_bmp surface file
Saves the SDL_Surface surface as a Windows BMP file named file
scale [Sdl.Draw] |
scale surface factor filter -> surface
Scales a surface by the given scale factor , using the given filter , and returning a new scaled surface
scale_to [Sdl.Draw] |
scale_to surface new_width new_height filter -> surface
Scales a surface to the new width and height given, using the given filter , and returning a new scaled surface
set_alpha [Sdl.Video] |
set_alpha surf flag alpha
Note: This function and the semantics of SDL alpha blending have changed since version 1.1.4.
set_attribute [Sdl.SDLGL] |
set_attribute attr value
Sets the OpenGL attribute attr to value.
set_caption [Sdl.Window] |
set_caption window_caption taskbar_caption
Sets the title-bar and icon name of the display window.
set_clipping [Sdl.Video] |
set_clipping surf top left bottom right
Sets the clipping rectangle for a surface.
set_color_key [Sdl.Video] |
set_color_key surf flag key
Sets the color key (transparent pixel) in a blittable surface and enables or disables RLE blit acceleration.
set_colors [Sdl.Video] |
set_colors surf colors firstcolor ncolors
Sets a portion of the colormap for the given 8-bit surface.
set_grab_input [Sdl.Window] |
set_grab_input true/false
Grabbing means that the mouse is confined to the application window, and nearly all keyboard input is passed
directly to the application, and not interpreted by a window manager, if any.
set_icon [Sdl.Window] |
set_icon surface
Sets the window icon to the surface.
set_mod_state [Sdl.Event] |
set_mod_state key_mod list
Sets the current state of the modifier keys (CTRL, ALT, etc.) in the input list.
set_video_mode [Sdl.Video] |
set_video_mode width height bpp flags -> surface
Set up a video mode with the specified width, height and bitsperpixel.
sfont_print [Sdl.Draw] |
sfont_print string_to_print x_position y_position sfont surface_to_draw_text_on
show_cursor [Sdl.Video] |
show_cursor true\false
Toggle whether or not the cursor is shown on the screen.
string_of_pixels [Sdl.Video] |
string_of_pixels surface -> string
Returns a copy of the raw pixel data in a surface as a string.
surface_amask [Sdl.Video] |
Get the mask for the alpha component for each pixel for the surface
surface_bmask [Sdl.Video] |
Get the mask for the blue color component for each pixel for the surface
surface_bpp [Sdl.Video] |
Get the number bits per pixel for the surface
surface_flags [Sdl.Video] |
Get a list of the surface flags
surface_gmask [Sdl.Video] |
Get the mask for the green color component for each pixel for the surface
surface_height [Sdl.Video] |
Get the surface height in pixels
surface_pixels [Sdl.Video] |
Get a byte_array containing the raw pixel data.
surface_rmask [Sdl.Video] |
Get the mask for the red color component for each pixel for the surface
surface_width [Sdl.Video] |
Get the surface width in pixels
swap_buffers [Win] |
Swap the back buffer to the screen
swap_buffers [Sdl.SDLGL] |
Swap OpenGL framebuffers/Update Display
T |
to_byte_array [Glcaml] |
to_double_array [Glcaml] |
to_dword_array [Glcaml] |
to_float_array [Glcaml] |
to_int_array [Glcaml] |
to_short_array [Glcaml] |
to_string [Glcaml] |
to_ubyte_array [Glcaml] |
to_ushort_array [Glcaml] |
to_word_array [Glcaml] |
toggle_fullscreen [Sdl.Window] |
toggle_fullscreen surface
Toggles the application between windowed and fullscreen mode, if supported.
triangle [Sdl.Draw] |
U |
unlock_audio [Sdl.Audio] |
Unlocks a previous lock_audio call.
unlock_surface [Sdl.Video] |
Unlock surface
update_rect [Sdl.Video] |
update_rect surface left top width height
Makes sure the given area is updated on the given screen.
update_rects [Sdl.Video] |
update_rects surface rect_array
Makes sure the given list of rectangles is updated on the given screen.
update_surface [Sdl.Video] |
update_surface surface
Makes sure the screen is updated
usleep [Win] |
Sleep for n microseconds
V |
video_mode_ok [Sdl.Video] |
video_mode_ok width height bpp_flags -> true/false
video_mode_ok returns false if the requested mode is not supported under any bit depth,
or returns true if a closest available mode with the given width, height and
requested surface flags exists (see set_video_mode ).
W |
wait_event [Sdl.Event] |
wait_event -> event
Waits indefinitely for the next available event.
warp_mouse [Sdl.Video] |
warp_mouse x y
Set the position of the mouse cursor (generates a mouse motion event).