open Glcaml

let perspective fov aspect near far =
        let h = (tan (fov /. 360.0 *. (4.0 *. (atan 1.0)) )) *. near in
        let w = h *. aspect in
        glFrustum (-.w) w (-.h) h near far

let print_log o =
    let infoLog = String.create 1024 in
        let infologLength = [| String.length infoLog |] in
        let _ = 
        if (glIsShader o) then
                glGetShaderInfoLog o 1024 infologLength infoLog
                glGetProgramInfoLog o 1024 infologLength infoLog
        print_string infoLog

let fsSource = 
        "/* Fragment shader */\n" ^  
        "void main()\n" ^
        "{\n" ^
        "        gl_FragColor[0] = gl_FragCoord[0] / 400.0;\n" ^
        "        gl_FragColor[1] = gl_FragCoord[1] / 400.0;\n" ^
        "        gl_FragColor[2] = 1.0;\n" ^

let vsSource =
        "/* Vertex shader */\n" ^ 
        "uniform float waveTime;\n" ^
        "uniform float waveWidth;\n" ^
        "uniform float waveHeight;\n" ^
        "\n" ^
        "void main(void)\n" ^
        "{\n" ^
        "        vec4 v = vec4(gl_Vertex);\n" ^
        "\n"        ^
        "        v.z = sin(waveWidth * v.x + waveTime) * cos(waveWidth * v.y + waveTime) * waveHeight;\n" ^
        "\n"        ^
        "        gl_Position = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * v;\n" ^

let waveTime = ref 0.0
let        waveWidth = ref 0.1
let        waveHeight = ref 3.0
let        waveFreq = ref 0.1 
let waveTimeLoc = ref 0
let waveWidthLoc = ref 0
let waveHeightLoc = ref 0
let fill = ref true

let init () =
        glShadeModel gl_smooth;
        glViewport 0 0 (Graphics.size_x()) (Graphics.size_y());
        glMatrixMode gl_projection;
        glLoadIdentity ();
        perspective 40.0 1.0 0.0001 1000.0;
        glMatrixMode gl_modelview;
        let vs = glCreateShader gl_vertex_shader in
        glShaderSource vs 1 [| vsSource |] [| String.length vsSource |];
        glCompileShader vs;
        print_log vs;
        let fs = glCreateShader gl_fragment_shader in
        glShaderSource fs 1 [| fsSource |]  [|  String.length fsSource |];
        glCompileShader fs;
        print_log fs;
        let sp = glCreateProgram () in
        glAttachShader sp vs;
        glAttachShader sp fs;
        glLinkProgram sp;
        print_log sp;
        glUseProgram sp;
        waveTime := 0.0;
        waveWidth := 0.1;
        waveHeight := 3.0;
        waveFreq := 0.1;
        waveTimeLoc := glGetUniformLocation sp "waveTime";
        waveWidthLoc := glGetUniformLocation sp "waveWidth";
        waveHeightLoc := glGetUniformLocation sp "waveHeight";
        print_log sp;
        Printf.printf "wave parameters location: %d %d %d\n" !waveTimeLoc !waveWidthLoc !waveHeightLoc;
        glPolygonMode gl_front_and_back gl_line;
let draw k =
        match k with
        | '0' -> fill := not !fill; glPolygonMode gl_front_and_back (if !fill then gl_fill else gl_line)
        | '1' -> waveFreq := !waveFreq +. 0.1
        | '2' -> waveFreq := !waveFreq -. 0.1
        | '3' -> waveWidth := !waveWidth +. 0.1
        | '4' -> waveWidth := !waveWidth -. 0.1
        | '5' -> waveHeight := !waveHeight +. 0.1
        | '6' -> waveHeight := !waveHeight -. 0.1
        | _ -> ();
        glClear gl_color_buffer_bit;
        glLoadIdentity ();
        glTranslatef 0.0 0.0 (-150.0);
        glRotatef (-45.0) 1.0 0.0 0.0;
        (* Change time *)
        glUniform1f !waveTimeLoc !waveTime;
        glUniform1f !waveWidthLoc !waveWidth;
        glUniform1f !waveHeightLoc !waveHeight;
        (* Draw here a plain surface *)
        glBegin gl_quads;
        for i = -50 to 50 do
                for j = -50 to 50 do
                        glVertex2i i j;
                        glVertex2i (i + 1) j;
                        glVertex2i (i + 1) (j + 1);
                        glVertex2i i (j + 1);
        waveTime := !waveTime +. !waveFreq;

let rec event_loop f = function
        | false -> ()
        | true ->        
                let k = if Graphics.key_pressed () then Graphics.read_key () else ' ' in
                let _ = f k in
                let continue =
                match k with
                | 'q' -> false
                | _ -> true in
                Win.swap_buffers ();
                Win.usleep 300;
                event_loop f continue

let main () =
            Graphics.open_graph " 800x600";
        Win.init_opengl ();
                Graphics.set_window_title "";
        glViewport 0 0 (Graphics.size_x ()) (Graphics.size_y ());
        glClearColor 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0;
                init ();
                event_loop draw true
let () = main ()

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